pic question

and how do I post pictures?

You can’t, right now.

The “{IMG} code is ON” on the page header is a bug noted elsewhere.

They used to have a semi-permanent notice at the top of this forums thread list that said whether pictures were on or off. I guess they forgot to renew it. It has a big question mark where the envelope would be, when it’s used.

You can press “smilies” for things that always work, like :), but there’s only a few, despite repeated requests for more.

When {img} code is turned back on, (which it probably will be when they figure out how to define the rules and patrol them) the instructions are reached by pushing the link at the word “vB code”.

Oh, I just realized, the moved the “smilies” and “vB code” buttons to the posting page when they changed BBoard software. Push “Post Reply” or “New Thread” to see where they are hidden now. :slight_smile:

You don’t. Until recently you could, but it caused some problems and now you can’t.

Go and look for the threads if you will, but they involve more heat than light. Using pictures from other sites used their resources and this if not stealing, was at least inconsiderate.

Given the high turnover of the board and the fact that not everyone understood or accepted the distinction between legitimate and non-legitimate use of images, the moderators obviously felt that it was too much trouble for too small a return to have images.


so when it works, I can only post pictures directly from the net, not from say my desktop or imageCD?

(please help. I am technically retarded, and I’m trying to be more active on the message board)

okay. I can’t. gotcha. I’ll find another way. Thanks, guys

That’s right, unless you have a permanent domain, like a home business installed on your machine and the computer is left on all day.

They don’t have room at the SD message board computer to store pictures from everyone who would want to.

Here’s the latest thread, not too long or argumentative.
{img} code on again? **