Justice League Unlimited 6/4/05: Double Date

Line of the night: I’m sorry, but ew.

My sentiments exactly. :slight_smile:

Mine too.

All in all a good episode.

Was nice seeing Canary, Green Arrow, and Question in play again.

The chase scene was amusing. (My reaction to ‘I built that bike by hand!’ would have been ‘Well, you get to do it again!’, but, I have a feeling I’d be more likely to get smacked than Ollie…)

Good episode, but I hope there are real ramifications for Huntress and Question’s actions. I couldn’t see the League letting her back in.

Are you saying that you wouldn’t want to be smacked around by a blonde in fishnet stockings?

You make a good point, brother Johnny.

The sites I’ve seen say that this isn’t just a one time thing and that the new happy couple will appear in a few more episodes before the end of the season. Just a WAG, but Batman really wants the Question’s help and the Question might not be happy without the Huntress. I can see Batman winning that argument, besides Helena learned her lesson regarding revenge.

While we’re on the “ew” line of thought, anyone else notice Booster Gold and Stargirl walking together as the Huntress entered her room. Booster, she’s underaged! Besides, you’re dating that hot doctor who remembers your name, remember?

Stargirl is always in the background. I hope she gets a leading role in an episode at some point because i like the character.

Actually, that was Starman, the Prince Gavyn version created by Steve Ditko (he has an action figure and everything).

And he wasn’t macking on her…they’re both part of the Starman legacy, and chatting.

And even if it WERE Booster…Him and Court are both friendly…they don’t need to be, like, an item to be chatting. :eek:

Gah! Indeed it is. Thanks for exposing and dispeling my ignorance.

Bwah hah. An excellent episode. The Question is, so far, the best thing to come out of the change in format of the show from the ‘Big 7’.

This is my fear. That the League will say she learned her lesson and is welcome back.

She committed several acts of attempted murder, she assualted teammates, she interfered with a federal investigation, and she endangered a child’s life.

Shouldn’t she be headed to prison right about now?

Attempted murder. Pfft. Does anyone get a Nobel prize for attempted physics? Oops, wrong show.

Good points, but I still think the Bat will stand by the Question and the Question will stand by her. Maybe they’ll throw in a few shots of people brissling as she walks by or shooting her dirty looks.

Just wait for the episode Question Authority. Much will be revealed.

Has that version of Starman appeared in post-crisi DC continuity?

The last I saw him, he died in the Crisis. I guess I’m kind of bugged by him being there since he was an alien prince with very little contact with mainstream DCU. (he once teamed up with Superman and they had no idea who each other were).

Just wondering if his story has been change or if he’s become more integrated. I know a later Starman comic brought the hippie Starman out of obscurity.

Also, I’m still bugged by Nemesis being there. He’s not the type to join a high profile organization like JLU. I still think he’s somehow working for Task Force X.

Anyway, that’s the two cents of an old time comic reader who isn’t up on current continutiy.

That later Starman comic you mention, written by James Robinson, incorporated every character ever called Starman as part of a grand cosmic legacy, including the alien Prince Gavyn. He became a very important character later on when the then-current Starman, Jack Knight, and the “hippie Starman,” Mikaal Tomas, ventured into space together. It is a brilliant and beautiful series with a distinct beginning, middle, and end, and characters who grew and changed along the way. It is my all-time favorite comic, I have to say.

In an interview, Bruce Timm said that after being refused a few characters they really wanted to use for the show (Blue Beetle, Plastic Man, Phantom Stranger), he asked DC who was left that they could include. Nemesis was on the list, and they added him even though nobody was thrilled about him as a character, or having to use him.

I like that they have characters we all know as background “props.”

As will the epsiode following that, Flashpoint.

Dwayne McDuffie is writing his ass off.

How did I miss this ? New ‘Legion of Superheroes’ Cartoon In Development! That just made my Monday!

There’s been a Legion series in the works for years. I’m not letting this one get my hopes up again.

In the comics, don’t they marry and disappear?