Kamala owns a gun "for personal safety"

According to this report:

Various Dopers have, in the past, argued that guns don’t actually enhance one’s personal safety and are actually a detriment to it. What do you make of Kamala owning a gun “for personal safety”? Do you think she’s unaware of the statistics? Is she stupid? Do you think she’s lying about actually owning a gun? Something else?

I doubt that this thread will work the way you may be envisioning. Not many who post here have expressed sentiments of the type you suggest.

Many progressives support responsible gun ownership.

well if I was a politician id own a gun or have someone armed around me on general purpose but given the far/religious rights action movie fantasies and willingness to use violence to get their message across do ya blame her ?

I think it’s a free country and she can have a gun if it’s legal where she lives. I don’t see this as controversial or surprising.

I don’t think she’s “stupid” or “lying.” Very few on he left want to ban the personal possession of handguns for protection, even if they don’t think it’s a good idea. The debate seems to be over background checks, keeping guns from people with a history of violence and mental illness, concealed carry rights, “assault rifles,” and gun show loopholes.

No reaction, other than this solidifies my not seeing why some on this forum have this idea her relationship with guns is extreme and would be detrimental to her candidacy.

Well, let’s go down the same old same old…
She has it as a penis substitute.
She has it because she fantasizes about killing people.
She’s a law abiding citizen but all criminals were until they committed a crime.
She’s poor at calculating risk.
She’s racist.
She’s fascist.
She’s one bad day away from being a murderer.
If she defends herself with it, she is summarily imposing a death penalty for a crime that doesn’t deserve it.
Et fucking cetera.

Right-wing violence is on the rise. All liberals should be armed.

Does she have a handgun?
An M16? AK 47?
An Uzi? A Mac 10?
A grenade launcher?

Are all these weapons reasonable for a citizen to have? Can reasonable people think that maybe there is a line to be drawn?

Isn’t that a Catch-22 for you guys: Vox - Living in a house with a gun increases your odds of death

People choose the illusion of safety over real safety almost every time. Yes, it is dumb. Shockingly Democrats can be dumb too.

Democratic politicians who own a gun: quite a few openly talk about it.

Republican politicians who have had an abortion: for sure there’s some, but it’s a secret buried deeper than the Ark of the Covenant in that government warehouse.

Did I miss the memo? Are Democrats perceived to be anti-gun?

This kinda puts the kibosh on the whole “dems are gun grabbers” narrative you’ve deluded yourself into believing, doesn’t it?

It’s been decades now but the fruitcakes still believe that the Democrats are coming for their guns. Keep buying ammo, all you stable geniuses.


It’s Ms. Harris’ right to do so, and my right not to, and both of our rights to do this and feel this way. I suspect that if anyone out there is a responsible gun owner, properly trained and licensed if necessary, it’s her.

Even more buried are the Republican politicians who had been responsible for an abortion.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.


She was a law enforcement officer for years. There’s nothing unusual about a former LEO owning a gun.

Really? I don’t see any gun grabbers in that article. Just stuff like this.


You think she carried at work as an LEO?