Kansas Area Dopers...I need Wichita advice!

Well, the decision in my situation (see the thread “help me”) is to ship me off to live at my mother in law’s house in Kansas. Oddly, she either doesn’t know or doesn’t care that her son beats on me. Honestly I believe she doesnt know. What she does know however is that I have been the stepmother to her grandchildren for the last two years and thusly she will let me stay with her. And help me get a drivers liscence and a car.

She lives in Wichita, so any of you familiar with that city tell me about it please!

She says you can get an apt there for really cheap. I’m going to need one fast, as soon as I can after getting a job, because living with my mother in law while getting divorced is not the world’s healthiest situation. But she actually has a room for me.

I’m going to try and work at Barnes & Noble because I worked there for 2 years in NY. I’m going to need to make friends in a hurry. Are people friendly over there?

Any words would be useful and much appreciated.