Kansas City Dopefest - Maybe September?

Looks like our last Dopefest was two years ago (I’m still disappointed no one commented on the brilliant pun in that thread’s title), so how about another one? August is always too hot–a lesson we’ve learned at least twice now–so how about a September get-together? We can even try planning events on three days so that you have thrice the chance of meeting wonderful ol’ us.

What say you?

[wistful sigh, turns to hides his tears]

Sure, sure, you now have all of those West Coast Dopers to play with, but you now understand what happens when you leave us. When you go, we throw parties. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll do my best to be there! And I agree about the August thing.

Of course you agree with me; I’m wise like that. Also, I think someone (probably auntie em) assured me the last time that they’d moider me if I scheduled another August Dopefest.

I’ll be there, as long as it’s actually IN Kansas City, and not in some freaking 'burb. Maybe some place on the Plaza, in Westport, Brookside, Power and Light District, Downtown or City Market?

I’ve not been a member for a long time, but I lurked for several years before, am married to another Doper, and have been to two other Dope gatherings.

Since it’s my intention to attend Dopefests in as many different cities as possible…



I think we can find stuff to do downtown, gaffa. We’ve met up for some activities in the metro area if not Kansas City proper (Shawnee Mission Park, for example, when we blistered ourselves under that shelter with a tin roof). So, yes, the Plaza, City Market, Westport, etc… it’s all good.

And did everyone see that? gardentraveler promised–swore, even–that she’d be there. You just have to read between the lines, that’s all.

See, when I win the lottery I’m going to spend all my time going to as many Dopefests and Magicfests as I can.

I’m gonna be the deadhead of Dopefests if I win the lottery.

I dunno… a deadhead at a Dopefest. We may finally have truth in advertising when it comes to the fest name (assuming one brings the usual deadhead supplies).

Well, more of the follow Fests around from town to town thing. I prefer beer, anyways.

Well, then, come on down to KC. We can tour Boulevard and grab some free beer afterward.

Ok, I will try to make it to this one. I know that I said that last time, but work had other plans for me.

So, count me in. I will do my best to be there!

Ahem. It’s possible that you need glasses, Skip. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Nuh-uh. I just have special mod powers. You get them after your tenth Pitting.

Interesting. Maybe. It’s not like there will ever be one closer. It’s actually doable as a day trip.

It’d be good to have you, WarmNPrickly. You, too, The Unkempt One. (Even if you couldn’t make it the last time. Tease.)

Erika has suggested that we not schedule it the weekend of the 12th-14th. How about the following weekend, the 19th-21st? We can do a Friday evening dinner, a few things on Saturday, and then a cookout or other lunch on Sunday? Everyone’s welcome to pick-and-choose which gatherings they want to attend.


I’m in Kansas City currently.

The fest won’t be coming off as planned. SkipMagic had some conflicts come up. It’s too bad I didn’t know sooner you’d be in KC, maybe some of us could at least have met for dinner. I’m in Topeka. How long will you be in KC?