Katie and Matt, Al and Anne¡¦ first to piss me off!

yosemitebabe - Yep, I know how to do it but the quality is not great. Third-party software takes much crisper shots so I’m working my way through a few to see what’s what. Thanks though, nice quality on your shot!

Nickrz said:

No no no, I’m the American who lives in Japan, but used to live in Korea.

How could you get confused?

[sub]Not that I think you were thinking about this “Astroglide”[/sub]


Just as a suggestion try pasting into Word (97 or 2000)…seems much clearer than paint (.bmp) or a .jpg pic.
Sheesh, this has turned into a ‘print screen how to’ :wink:

I too have problems with that show.

I figured out HOW to get the weird characters… now I need to fugyre out WHY… or actually not, as I can just remember not to cut and paste from Word and the problem will be gone…

Actually, gobear, I lied… see we (the foreign teachers) tried to get cable in the dorm a couple of years ago, but the dorm supervisor (a completely useless human being I have yet to meet, but that’s another rant!) wouldn’t let us… he said it would “ruin the aesthetics of the building” to run some more wires into it… and this is a building that has steel rebar hanging out 6 or 7 feet on the south side (apparently it never occurred to the construction guys to cut it off while the were erecting the building…). However, a few months ago, the university installed the Hanyang U cable system in the dorm, so now I get cable for free! Great… 30 or so more Korean stations, a Japanese station, a couple of Chinese stations, a German station… and BBC! However, the sound on BBC is about 4 seconds out of synch with the video, and that makes it unwatchable… so I’m stuck with AFKN (yes, I know, for just listening to the news in the shower the video synch problem shouldn’t matter… but you expect me to think that clearly first thing in the morning?? I say to you: fat chance!).

As for hot coffee vs. cold coffee… I like 'em both!:wink:

Back to your regularly scheduled hijack… I believe the topic is “Screenshots”. :smiley: