keeping the MMP score: rosie 5, swampy 4

Just remember --------- it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye. :slight_smile:

Then… it really starts being interesting! :eek: :smiley:

Congrats Ivory! Congrats Wally!

**Pie **-- I was just kidding about room 304. I was actually spending my last week time in room **404 **(“Not Found”)… :o
Of course, **Ivory **seems to have been there, too… :wink:
Anyway – if you wanna get lost with me… :smiley:

**Nava **-- I think I’ve met those bosses personally. In several different places… :rolleyes:

Hey taxi, I’ve been wanting to change for awhile and I finally found something that I liked. Some people get a new car every couple years, I get a new name. :smiley:

It’s based on the book of the same name by Diane Mott Davidson.


Never know, that could be a remote possibility in the future. C is a comedic actor. If the industry weren’t so ageist and sizeist, she would be a natural on SNL.

It’s good to see things are looking up for most of the Mumpers lately.

Good morning everyone. I’m up and about for the second time today.

I was going to go ahead into work, but felt pretty crappy, so I bagged that idea. I suppose I 'll need to pull out my work laptop out and try to get some of the stuff done that should be done on Mondays, but I’m not feeling it. Maybe in an hour or so.

Congrats Soapy!

Congrats Shadow!

Congrats Wally!

I’m going to go lie down for a bit again.

May she be a great niece as well as a great-niece :slight_smile:


Green because it’s the color of hope and I hope you two will have many years of happiness together.

What can I say, the idea of me getting married scares me into incoherence[sup]1[/sup] but I love it when other people get married :stuck_out_tongue:

1: more than usual, I mean

Damnit, I keep forgetting to yell
at you. I do hope it isn’t that I’m getting forgetful in my old age, mostly because I’ve always been forgetful (but I’m older than I was yesterday and newer than I’ll be tomorrow).

Since trying to cut and paste on the iPod is a royal PITA, I will just offer blanket
and y’all can take as much as you want- although I did want to start referring toSoapy’s grand neice as the “soapbubble”. :slight_smile:

I really, really like that.

And a big YAY! to Blue, too.

I poked KT in the eye while cutting his hair on Saturday. :wink: ← That’s him with his eye closed… but he wasn’t smiling like that. :frowning:

Cool. I like it. Is there an official nickname yet?

I thought you said “incontinence”! :eek: And then I wondered how incontinent you usually are! :eek::eek:

I am tres sleepy right now. :o Yawn. I can has nap?

I have lunched, been to :eek: Wally*World :eek:, been to the grocery store, napped and now have a chicken pot pie bakin’ away and chili coolin’ down to be put into containers and frozen. If you add in yesterday’s cave cleanin’, I have been a busy and productive bear durin’ my weekstart. :smiley:

It’s rainy and coolish. Weather that makes me want to sleep.

taxi CutiePie’s new official nickname is StickyBuns.

ETA: First on page two!

Dooooo eeeeet.

Seriously, this stuff is like crack. It’s a good thing I’m at work, because if I was at home, I’d be sneaking over to the kitchen every five minutes to grab another handful of granola to munch on. :stuck_out_tongue: (I basically made the recipe as written, but subbed pumpkin seeds for sunflower, apricots and cherries for the cranberries, and added a sprinkling of cinnamon because proper granola should have cinnamon in it).

That trail mix looks pretty awesome. May have to give it a go sometime this week.

Can’t believe I forgot to include **Shadow **in my previous congrats post… so, an extra-special standalone YAY!!! for new jobs. Woot woot! :slight_smile:

In other news, it’s snowing like a mofo outside. Stoopit weather… doesn’t it know it’s supposed to be springish by now? :mad:

Never fear - I am here!! :smiley: I had a crazy busy day, stopped and picked up my new specs, took daughter to Bad Chinese because I didn’t feel like cooking and she had class tonight in Leonardtown anyway, and now I’m home. It’s raining (YAY!) and chilly (ugh!) and my sweetie won’t be home till Thursday night (BOOOO!!) I have 2 days to finish my part of the Project from Hell - I may be putting in a few extra hours. Other than that, just another Monday in Paradise!

Cheers and hugs to all with happy news. Chocolate for all the blurfers. Assorted smoochies and gropes for everybody. Is it Firday yet??

Dindin at the good Eyetalian place was good. We have decided, however, that the Shrimp Skilletini does not need to be ordered again. That’s the first dish we have decided not to order again and we still have a bunch to try. I gotta admit this has been kinda fun just eatin’ our way through a restaurant’s menu. I’ve never done that before.

So endeth my weekstart. It’s back to irk tomorrow. Le Sigh.

Ima take me some knockout sinus stuff in a bit and lie upon the bed with the teevee on til it takes effect.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

Bleh. Why am I constantly hungry the past few days? I haven’t been doing anything out of normal (except for the trip to the beach, but that was Saturday!)

I’ve got three loads of laundry started and now I’m going to work on homework… which admittedly I was supposed to have started at noon. But better late than never, right?

Ugh. I’ve been everywhere this evening running errands and grocery shopping. I’m ready to go home but I ran into a snag. Sam’s didn’t have my medicine in stock so now I’m at another pharmacy waiting.

Swampy, you’ll be happy to know that I bought a new vise and a large pair of pliers tonight. :smiley:

Congratulations for all with the happy news! This is definitely an upbeat MMP. It’s about time we got happy!

I had a rough day, but I’m home now and dinner is in the crockpot, smelling yummerific and waiting for me. I made pot roast. Swampy, I made individual chicken pot pies last night. They were good, but the crust stuck to my soup bowls (the kind with the handles, for French Onion soup.) Today Mr Rebo found some nonstick pot pie tins on Amazon. :slight_smile:

Dipsey’s aunt stopped by to visit yesterday. (Turns out it’s her sister who owns him.) Sis has been out of town for what seems like forever, and Mom and L’il Sis are going to try and talk her into giving him up to us. He’s due for the vet (she had a reminder card from the same vet we use!) I told her we would take him to the vet for his shots, but only if he’s ours officially. He has spent the night for the last eleven nights, and we feed him, and don’t let him out to run the streets anymore. He’s a sweetie. (We took all three to the dog park Saturday!)

I’m just rambling here…

Have a good night, everyone, and may more good things keep happening to the Mumpers!

ETA: I like your new name, StickyBuns!

Must. Have. Flair.

I see a coffee mug…

Wow, all this happy news. All I can say is: Yay! and Congratulations! and Welcome Back!

Good thoughts, though, for Irish Boyfriend and his family.

Am home with freshly-cut hair and a new lunch box (yes, these were unrelated events). Also chocolate and bread.

Need to get some de-cluttering done, then maybe I’ll knit or something.

Back later with more…