In this thread he wants to chat about a hypothetical car blowout causing your 7 year old to be trapped and burned alive unless you liberate his soul with your handy .45 .
You sir, are a dumdum. Why would you want to think of this, much less have a protracted debate about it. It is a no win situation.
People were making light of it because the premise is just silly, and distasteful. It smacks of immaturity and a lack of life experiences, including experiencing pain, grief or the loss of a loved one.
Yeah, I figured he was making a point about euthanasia as well (which is kind of scummy if that was indeed his intent, since having a “secret” purpose for starting a thread beyond that stated in the OP seems rather dishonest), but he never came back to it, so maybe not. Of course the thread may have been hijacked into oblivion before he had a chance to make his point.
My other theory is that he lives in a northern clime and the SAD is starting to get to him, hence all the depressing rape and suffering children threads.
I dunno, I think anything that gets you to really think about what you might do in a certain unavoidable situation is kind of cool. At least it gets the blood and the creative juices flowing. Especially when the wise-guys arrive and start hijacking the thread.
And if he doesn’t get satisfactory answers in that thread, there’s no telling what the next one will be…
You're in the middle of the Gobe desert, taking a walk with your 3 year old child, who, due to spinacranialitis, has been colostomized, is tube fed, requires a respirator, a catheter, kidney dialysis, has only a third as much skin as she should, is severely mentally retarded, and whose spleen protrudes from a unique hole just above her third nipple. The doctors say she has less then 2 days to live. You're hundreds of miles from civilization. Without warning, the ancient sand worm Slait-Nyarr errupts from the ground in front of you, and threads to unleash a 3000-year long rein of utter domination upon the earth--a period that will see all major nations fall, billions die agonizing deaths of starvation, and the destruction of human culture as we know it. All life would be enslaved to Great Worm (may he live forever)! Just then, Jesus descends from the sky, and hands you a hypodermic syringe filled with enough barbituates to ensure a quick, painless death for your child. He hands you the syringe, and instructs you that if you end your childs horrible suffering, Slait-Nyarr will die instantly and the world will be saved.
Do you kill your child in this situation?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wavy lines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yes but strappin’ your toddler in the front seat of a Molotovmobile right next to your loaded 45 for a reckless drive in the country is a bit removed from “unavoidable.”
In the Desert > look at desert
You are in the middle of the Gobi desert. You see Jesus here. You see a worm here. Rocky paths lead in all directions.
In the Desert > e
The worm blocks your path.
In the Desert > w
You enter a twisty maze of desert paths, all alike. You return where you started.
In the Desert > examine jesus
Jesus gazes at you with infinite love.
In the Desert > examine worm
It is the ancient sand worm Slait-Nyarr.
In the Desert > i
You are holding a syringe and a child. The syringe has a needle attached. The syringe contains some barbituates. The child takes after her mother.
In the Desert > stab
Stab what?
In the Desert > stab dragon
Stab dragon with what?
In the Desert > stab dragon with needle
You can’t do that.
In the Desert > fuck it
I don’t understand that.
In the Desert > quit
You have acheived a score of 0 points. Your moral ranking is worthless scum.
Is this a reference to computer RPG’s? I am probably too much of a dumdum to understand the joke.>
Question not understood. You see a Straight Dope Message Board before you. Threads go in all directions.
Yes it is. Zork is the game. But I hosed it in the middle and accidentally submitted before I’d inserted three more commands. Bummer. Thanks anyway, Q.E.D.!!!