Ketchup on a hot dog, why bad?

We have our own mustard? Is it yellow mustard?

Anyway, mustard is delicious on hot dogs while ketchup is indeed a travesty.

On hamburguesas I put mustard, mayo and ketchup. Very tasty.

I wonder about the regionality of this.
Compare the simple hamburger, which in the NY tri-state area usually comes with Ketchup (caveat - non fast food outlets), but in other areas comes with Mustard (my preferred choice).
In both cases, ketchup is used for the fries (except the handful of outlets that correctly use Horseradish as the Fries-Condiment-Of-Choice).
As to the regionality of Hot Dog and ketchup, I don’t know (Except I vaguely remember a Abbot and Costello routine about this, which ended up with poor little girls starving on the street because Costello liked ketchup on his hot dog). :stuck_out_tongue:

What do you non-ketchup-eating fools put on your french fries – roast garlic puree?


Malt vinegar.

Ketchup on a hot dog is fine, but how about those people who put ketchup on everything?

I have mixed feelings towards people like this. Part of me is saying, “How gross!” The other half of me is saying, “How strangely endearing…”

Does anyone else feel this way???

[ul]:smiley: [sup]I agree it is gross used on chocolate ice cream![/sup][/ul]

"little old ladies getting knifed for thier social security checks…teachers getting thrown out of 3rd floor windows 'cause they don’t give A’s…No, that doesn’t bother me.
“C’mon, Harry!”
“You know what does bother me? Its watching you stuff your face with those hot dogs! Nobody, I mean NOBODY puts ketchup on a hot dog!”

Straight from The Man!

"little old ladies getting knifed for thier social security checks…teachers getting thrown out of 3rd floor windows 'cause they don’t give A’s…No, that doesn’t bother me.
“C’mon, Harry!”
“You know what does bother me? You know what makes me sick to my stomach? Its watching you stuff your face with those hot dogs! Nobody, I mean NOBODY puts ketchup on a hot dog!”

Straight from The Man!

Yes indeed. I assume that what is packaged here as American mustard is at least vaguely American. Here is one manufacturers list of mustards. As described American is milder and sweeter than the others. You can be really liberal with it and even kids like it.

Shouldn’t this be in the pit? All I see is condiment bashing.

I eat hot dogs with ketchup or ketchup and mustard (yellow) or ketchup and spicy mustard or ketchup, onions and relish (the best) or chili and lots of cheese.

I like all types of mustard. So there. I also like ketchup.

I eat hamburgers with ketchup and tomatoes (if I have any). Sometimes ketchup AND mayo. Mayo goes on everything. Especially grilled (or toasted depending on your particular area) cheese sandwiches and turkey sandwiches.

So, stop bashing the condiments. :slight_smile:

Not being from those parts, I don’t understand the hostility to ketchup - can someone from Chicago explain if it’s:
a) anti-ketchup always in all circumstances
b) anti-ketchup only for hotdogs, it’s OK for other things

In Australia it’s pretty rare to get choices of all those onion, chilli, cheese, sauerkraut etc etc on a hot dog. On the rare occasions when I eat one, I go for ketchup AND hot mustard. Or that hot chilli sauce they put on kebabs Trust me, disguise is good, you don’t want to savour the flavour of those things. CMOT Dibbler probably made most of them.

Oktoberfest recently was good - Weisswurst with german mustard and sauerkraut inna bun. Yum yum.

Tapioca Dextrin, that was pretty darn funny. And so true.

Those wacky Chicago purists. Hotdogs are not a culinary masterpiece deserving fresh veggies and quality mustard. Cheese and chili make the meal. And not high quality chili. Gotta be Hormel from the can type. With ketchup on the chili.

And I will further my sacrilege… Pure Beef is not the Holy Grail of hotdogs. I buy chicken and pork dogs when I pick them up at the grocery store.

It is. They took regular ketchup and added some kind of seasoning to give it a bit of a curry taste. I hadn’t realized that this is a typical Dutch thingy.