Khmer Rouge goes to heaven! Woo hoo!,00.html

I dunno, I think that alone is enough to pit. But to be honest I’m pitting it because I got the link from a Christian web site, were the reaction was uniformly…praise Jesus. How wonderful.

How wonderful? How wonderful that people who sent millions to Hell (well that’s where they went right, they were Buddists, right?) now have a religion that can let them sleep at night. I think this quote sums it up:

‘I read the Bible and I know it will free me from the weight of the sins I have committed.’

Yeah cause why should all that death and suffering you caused weigh on you? That would, like, totally suck. And that’s what finding God is for, isn’t it, to let you off the hook?

But like I said, what really pissed me off is the reaction of “christains” who don’t question for a second mass murderers cashing in on a paper thin theology that makes them fell better about themseleves. Or wondering for one moment why scum like the Khmer Rouge might be attracted to a facile idea of forgiveness.

No I just saw post like this:

“I have heard that story… They would make excellent troops to combat islamics I bet.”

Well, since Christian theology teaches that Jesus atoned on the cross for the sins of the world and that whoseover believes in Him will be forgiven their sins, the Khmer Rouge can be absolved of their crimes and enter the kingdom of heaven. No sin is too terible to forgiven by God’s infinite mercy.

On earth, however, they need to pay for what they did.

Your link is broken - I presume this is the story to which you refer.

If their conversion means they’ll no longer kill people or indulge in terror gangsterism, which is what led to the murder of two acquaintances of mine, then I’m all for it. Though perhaps not in the way the message board you describe does.

How about sending some of the message board members out to fight the Lord’s Resistance Army.

In case people haven’t heard of it - it’s not the fundie of the season - this is a Christian rebel group in Uganda that, in addition to rape, murder, pillage, specialises in the kidnapping of children to use as cannon fodder. An estimated 20,000 so far.

Their goal: to create a society that lives by the ten commandments.

:o Sorry, the link was working just earlier. I’m having some problem getting yours up too…if it doesn’t work I’ll look for another one. Thanks.

Anyway, does it mean they won’t be killing people anymore? Well that would be a good thing. But my immpression is more that they are old and there killing days are behind them and gee, now’s a good time to find God and forgive yourself (as God has) for being a total evil fucking bastard your whole life. How convenient.

And I realize this is part of the theology that all sins can be forgiven. And I’m not taking issue with that idea…no wait…maybe I am. If it leads to a philosophy that gives an easy out to murderers, so they can have the “weight” taken off them…and it’s not like the Khmer Rouge were the first evil bastards to note this about “evengelical Cristianity”, David Berkowitz sleeps well these days too…if it leads to that maybe there’s something wrong with the idea.

No, not with forgiveness. I certainly hope for infinate forgivness…God knows I could use it. Just hope it extends to the people these new Christians killed who didn’t have a chance to grow old and repent.

I have no problem with people undergoing a conversion experience and (especially for the rank-and-file soldiers), I am willing to let God sort out their hearts and punishments.

However, it occurs to me that it ought to bother the “Christians” who are cheering this development. Basically, we are witnessing a group of people simply shifting from one fanatical position, based on slogans, not thought, to another fanatical position, based on slogans, not thought. If I were among the (First World) observers of this phenomenon who are so delighted by the prospect, I think it might give me pause to see just what types of people are so easily converted.

If I were cynical, I’d suggest that our country’s leadership depends on basing positions on slogans, not thought. There’s nothing said by the former
Khmer Rouges in that article that would not be approved by Dubya and his born-again supporters.

No. But I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to hear that the Evangelical Khmer were exterminating the Fundamentalist Khmer.

This is really unChristian of me, but in cases like Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, I sincerely hope there is a Hell.

Looks like at least one convert would still be willing to kill for whatever ideology he happens to be espousing:

ETF, that was one of the lines that prompted my post.

I don’t really care where they go after they die, just so long as they get off this plane of exsistence as quickly as possible.

I vote for the Charles Bronson approach. “Do you believe in Jesus? Well, you’re gonna meet him.”