Kid toasts himself ala Jackass. I say good

Here we go again.

Look you fucking idiots, either stop imitating TV, or do it right and remove yourself from the gene pool already!

Too bad he averted a Darwin award, because he deserved it.

Sorry for the hiccup. Mods please close one of these threads if possible.


He was copying when “Johnny Knoxville donned a fireproof suit covered in steaks and was set on fire to become a human barbecue.”

Guess he should have imitated when they made sushi instead, huh?

You know, the thing about these copycats is that Johnny Knoxville put on a flame-retardant suit, then he covered himself with lighter fluid and set himself on fire, then had his buddies cook hamburgers and hot dogs over him.

Guess which part of this equation every single copycat has neglected.


Geez. The stupid alone burns.

Talk about irony… they forgot the “retardant”.

… if by “copying,” you mean “ignoring all the important details but getting the most basic gist of the stunt,” then yes, he was copying. But holy Christ, the kid ignored the FIREPROOF SUIT part, not to mention the meat, and the background in performing stunts as a professional, and the having of fire extinguishers nearby, etc., etc. What a maroon. Probably a maroon maroon, now, too.

Yes, but here’s the kicker:

(bolding mine)

So, this kid heard about something that was taped for “Jackass” but never aired and decided to do it. What a fucking moron.
At least they’re thinking about charging him with something since he lied (at first) about how he was burned.

… sigh. Three lousy minutes.

I wonder how much they’ll sue for, and win.

Sigh- -I suppose that since we no longer hunt woolly mammoths and cave bears with pointy sticks we need some mechanism to trigger natural selection. We can only hope that this young man did not breed before he decided to do a flame job on himself.

As far a lawsuits are concerned, as much as I’d like to see Jackass expunged from human memory, I can’t see a cause of action based on prompting this young animal to emulate something that never happened. “Hey, Bevis, they never tried to Bar B Q meat on a burning body. Maybe we can do that. Hold my beer. Watch this

Am I the only one who had a chuckle over the fact that this dumbass is named Kelvin?

Oh, I missed that. Very good. heh heh Very good.

So, I guess we can consider the cast of Jackass to be Darwin’s elves, helping the unfit eliminate their genes from the species.

So, I guess we can consider the cast of Jackass to be Darwin’s elves, helping the unfit eliminate their genes from the species.

Kelvin. Tee hee. I suppose his pal Volt has a stunt with electricity cooked up?

The kid did something stupid. He was experimenting with something he didn’t understand, probably egged on by his friends, and got badly burned. He’s going to be in pain for weeks, or months. I feel sorry for him.

If you read any of the “Stupid stuff you did when you were a kid” threads that pop up every so often over in IMHO, you’ve seen stories of worse stupidity which left the perpetrators relatively unharmed. So some kids get lucky.

I think it’s disgusting to see grown people reveling in a kid’s stupidity, and the resultant pain. Our role as adults is to educate kids as to how to avoid these things, and to help them recover from the bad stuff that does happen, and to make sure they learn from it. Comments on the gene pool and the darwin award are despicably mean-spirited.

Imagine what it’d be like to have to visit your child in the burn ward every day for weeks, to learn how to help with the intensely painfu, but necessary, physical therapy he’ll have to undergo. Imagine the kid’s friends, having to deal with the fact that they encouraged the kid to do this every single time they see his scars. And imagine that one moment the kid had, when he realized what he’d just done, and how bad it was going to be, and how much it hurt.

I’ve helped a friend deal with losing all the skin off part of his hand, including one finger entirely degloved recover from his burns. The girl he’d slept with lit his tent on fire while lighting a cigarette, and then shook him awake gently, telling him his tent was on fire. In the course of getting her out of there, he had to grab onto a burning, plastic-covered board. Should he have just left her there to die? She was pretty damned stupid; why should he have to bear scars just so she could live?

Gee, look, a kid got horribly burned today. Haw haw haw.

Damn, MrVisible, way to take all the fun out of it. :frowning:

Hey MrVisible imagine that there is one less jackass (pun intended) to go round. The boy wasnt a goddamn kid of 4 that couldnt possible have thought of the consequences of his actions, he was 15, and correct me if I am wrong and things go the other way in Tuscon AZ, but with 15 one should have learned that putting oneself on fire leads to burns. So puh-lease dont put the boy into a victim of society role, he neglected some basic survival instinct and got his lesson(s) by pain why dousing oneself in flameable liquid and igniting it is a bad idea left to the professionals.

Personally I say:

“Look Butthead the kids on fire. fire fire fire hahahahaha”

Stupidity abounds, to make things worse, he could face obstruction of justice charges for lying about the incident.

In a similar incident, a couple of months ago, the kid did not get charged because, as the police put it ***“being totally stupid is not a crime.” ***

I’m sorry that the kid got burned. he’s got a lot of pain to walk through now…

It angers me that ‘Jackass’ was brought up though. It’s a symptom of the problem in our society. Nobody wants take responsibility for their own actions, everybody looks for that someone else who is ‘to blame’.

I really hope that no one sues because of this. Because the one responsible is the one who has to walk through that pain, and no one else. But a lawsuit will probably be filed, saying someone else is to blame…

That’s why I never watch that show. I know I’d want to try everythng on it.

Or was that SEX AND THE CITY?