Kids keep losing their $350 beanies at school

A school on Long Island has asked students to not wear their Moncler Winter Pom Pom hats because the school is wasting too much time looking for the hats. Three Fifty? Hey, when I was their age I was happy to get by with a $79 Tommy Hilfiger hat. Kids.


That’s not a “beanie”. Those are touques!

Jughead wears a beanie (in the comics, at least).

In my day it was Air Jordans and Starter jackets. Both expensive (I want to say about $200, in the early 90’s) and both getting stolen, sometimes violently.

But seriously. when you are wearing your Moncler coat, you’ve got to have the coordinating beanie.

Dadburn whippersnappers! Back in MY day*… We stopped by the Saint Vinnie’s or the Goodwill and found a perfectly good touque for tree-fitty (that’s tree-fitty dollar, not hundies). And we’d pick up a pair o’ dungarees for five-fitty. Bam, all set to walk uphill to school.
*oh, wait, that was last Tuesday.

When I was in high school, I was fine with a $2 ‘Navy watch cap’.

How much are they with the propeller?

Leaving the kids, the school and the teachers out of it for a moment, what kind of parent thinks a child should have a $350 hat?

If I was a teacher I wouldn’t spend one second looking for them. Kids lose hats, mits, scarves, school bags, etc, etc. You wanna come by and look? Knock yourself out! The school closes at six, Good Luck!

Can’t they just tell parents that school staff are not responsible for things kids lose in school, and will not waste time looking for them?

Why is the school spending staff time looking? “Search Lost and Found. It ain’t there kid you are out of luck.”

Back in my day, we called that a “sleeping bag”.

Ho----ly crap. I’m dumb but I ain’t stupid.

From the link.

Spoiled brat parents are the problem here.

I hate to be the guy insulting other parents or insulting kids’ choices, but…yeah. Pretty much.

Conspicuous consumption is a blight, but it really irks me more when the expensive garments are something you could get for so, so, so much cheaper just without a “prestigious” logo. The only real excuses for the existence of luxury goods is that they allow companies to push the boundaries of quality and design in ways that might eventually find a home in standard products, fill a specific-need niche, or at least provide some entertainment and amusement for us plebs when we see 'em.

This is just a generic hat, yo.

What kind of many-armed monstrosity is going to emerge from THAT cocoon in spring?

When culture-vultures of the 2030’s are picking apart the 20-teens on whatever embedded brain chips we’ll have in place of an Internet at that point - that image right there is going to be Exhibit A in “Weird shit your parents wore”

Back when I was a tot we had to make hats out of newspaper! Kept the snow off just fine when we walked 6 miles to school and then had to stoke the fire!

I bought the lil’wrekker a ‘Neff’ beanie and paid $20 or so for it. I thought that was extravagant. I hope she doesn’t hear about these ones.
ETA, beanie is what all the kids call 'em.

I’m a retired school teacher.

If a pupil lost their work, their tutor would send out an e-mail to all staff asking them to look for it.
For an item of clothing, we’d expect the pupil to have labelled it.

As for spoiled brat parents, here’s a true story.
A male pupil turned 18 and their parents bought them a sports car - for about $90,000. (Apparently, due to the boy’s age and inexperience, the insurance company put an excess of $80,000 on any claim.)
Within a month, the boy wrote the car off (fortunately nobody was hurt.)
So that cost the parents $80,000.
And they promptly bought him a replacement. :smack:

Or the coordinating sucker plunger and gunstick…

“Exterminate! Exterminate!!!”

We weren’t even allowed to wear hats when I was in school. Hats is gang signs, you know.