Krispy Kreme = Krispy Krap!

Krispy Kreme cured my cancer. Or was it my hunger? I can never remember which one.

Donut nirvana? LOL!

Mmmmmmmmm…coffee coolata!


I have eaten Krispy Kremes 3 or 4 times, and Dunkin’ Donuts are much better. Hell, the supermarket bakery donuts and the boxed Hostess donuts are better. And all of those are still yummy a few hours later, or even the next day, if they last that long.

I really dislike the shellac…er…glaze that KK puts on their glazed donuts.

What marketing? I’ve never seen a KK commercial in a town where they opened. I don’t think they’re nasty but I don’t think they’re better then any other dougnut.



is the most decadent thing I have ever heard of. I’ll try it tonight.

Slightly less decadent is my standard technique: buy oodles and freeze 'em; then nuke 'em for about 15 seconds, having sprinkled with water beforehand. Tastes almost as good as fresh KK’s.

I’ll never forget visiting the KK in Nashville (originally a truckstop and I believe one of the first Krispy Kremes) at 11:55 p.m. At midnight, the hot ones come off the conveyor belt. At 11:58 or so, the deserted parking lot suddenly filled up with cars. People were buying 3 dozen hot ones and eating them all in their car.

I’m not a member of Overeaters Anonymous but I feel sure that a lot of OA stories involve Krispy Kremes.


I gotta admit, if the worst thing happening in the world is that some people disagree with each other on which donuts taste good, then we’re doing rather well.

And this from someone called Mr. Cynical no less. :wink:

I have never purchased KKs in a grocery store. I’ve never purchased them at all, actually. But, every friday, at a location where I worked one of the women used to get four dozen of them from the office.


According to this thread On someone saw a Good Morning America’s taste test of national brands and KK was tops in two categories.

I never understood the donut thing anyway. Between the sugar and the grease I don’t feel very well after eating one donut. I love the taste of donuts but my body doesn’t like the shit they put in and on them and get ill from them.

Dunkin Donuts and the doughnuts from one of our local supermarkets are far, far superior to KKs in terms of crispiness, bulk, variety and taste.

I have spoken. :wink:

They don’t pay for their marketing. They give “free samples” to the local news media, and naturally get the local media all atwitter about how good they are- everyone knows that free food always tastes best.

I know this because I work at a local network affiliate (I know, boo hiss…) and have gotten some of the overflow. They are nasty donuts, and they prey on certain media types thirst for a “gimme” story. We had a guy “waiting in line” days before the store opened, and he was an obvious plant (that didn’t stop him from getting on all the local newscasts).

grendel72 is right.

When they recently opened up the KK here in C Springs, the media even commented on the fact that KK has used word of mouth and the media to boost their sales. They don’t spend a dime on advertising according to a local TV station.

I’ve never had a KK donut so I can’t say whether they are good or not. I can tell you that I probably will never try one as I mentioned earlier, donuts make me feel ill.

More donuts for the rest of yous that like them greasy, sugary and bleached floured things.

KK lovers, you’re showing the kind of enthusiasm that Madison Avenue dreams about at night. Fanatical devotion to a product that’s slightly different, and probably no better than 100s of others.

I have a boss who’s idea of a great meeting is to talk about where we’re going to lunch, and who’s going out with whom. Needless to say, she brings in KK because she’s so trendy and with it.

I could see getting a little emotional about a chef running a four star restaurant, but a dumb donut???

Ever had a homemade, whole-wheat and honey doughnut? Mmmmm… (we need a ‘bliss’ smilie)

I’ve always like Tim Horton’s better anyway. Maple frosted and cream filled. Yum.

KK sucks. We used to have a good place to get doughnuts at the local supermarket that made their own stuff. They were only a quarter. Then KK comes along, doubles the price and less choices. Screw em.

Depends on if you eat it or if you…um…never mind.

Actually though, I used to work with people who would bring KKs in on a weekly basis. After the first one I tasted, I started bringing in DD’s Munchkins™ as a counteractive measure.
KK’s dog-nuts are dull at best; messy as hell three-napkin confections.

And their selection is shit. I went into one out of curiosity last week, and after I was staring blankly at the twelve varieties for a moment, the girl behind the counter asked if she could help me.

“Um…no thanks.”
and I walked out and drove to Dunkin Donuts.

Also, any place that uses a “K” instead of a “C” in misspelling “cream” should have their CEO subjected to a marathon of every episode of Sesame Street and forced to learn how to spell.

So, let me get this straight. (Speaking as a person for whom the nearest KK is 190 miles from here.)

Are these doughnuts crispy?
Are they filled with some form of cream?

When my cream gets crispy, I toss out the carton.

I just don’t get it.

People in Washington are driving sometimes well over an Hour to get to the ONE Krispy Kreme in the state (which is in the middle of a small town, eech. Figure they could put it in a metropolitan area but noooo. . . .)

Krispy Kremes rock. A lot. I love their jam filled ones. :smiley:

I don’t particularly like Krispy Kremes, although if someone brings a few dozen into work I will usually have one. The best donuts I ever had were at this place in Madison, WI on Regent St. but I cannot remember the name of it. It was actually a restaurant that made their own donuts, but you could go in during the early morning hours (usually after bar time) when the restaurant was closed. They are making the dounts and you can get them fresh. The chocolate frosted were incredible.