Krispy Kreme = Krispy Krap!

KK donuts are for shit, but their marketing is supreme.

In addition to the cool marketing techniques mentioned already, they have:

[li]2 for 1 discount cards (sold by kids to make money for projects)[/li][li]sold in local mini-markets[/li][li]free samples when you walk in the door[/li][li]free tours for the kiddies (and free donuts too)[/li][/ul]

I haven’t noticed them being sold in super markets here, mostly mini-marts (am/pm 7-eleven, etc.)

The donuts must be ass-cheap to make or they’re losing money purposely to gain market share. We have a lot of local donut shops that produce a good product, so the lines at the local KK have dwindled after the first week or so. Also there don’t seem to be many cops that go into them…really how good can they be if the cops ignore them. They may be around a year or so, but probably not much longer. We used to have some Winchell’s and I believe at one time a DD, but they’re both gone now.

Personally, I agree with whomever said Hostess donuts are better than KK.

Agreed! Lamar’s Donuts here in Kansas City (the birthplace of Lamar’s, damnit!) are some of the best I’ve ever had. Conversely, I was never impressed by Krispy Kremes.

But, really, I just usually like pie. :slight_smile:

the crew brought in doughnuts this morning, and after the thought of eating that Krispy-Kreme monstrosity, i couldn’t bring myself to eat one.

KK has put me off doughnuts for good! This is just like “A Clockwork Orange”!

She said loved me like a brother. Thats great, cause she’s from Arkansas! :smiley:

What in the world is the matter with you heathens? How in the name of all that’s holy could you possibly WANT to choke down fucking DD’s? They’re heavy, coarse, and they leave the distinctive aftertaste of lard. And the fucking things have never failed, even once, to give me horrible stomach cramps. What good is it to have lots of flavors if they all taste like shit?

By contrast, I’ve never met a KK that I didn’t like. They’re a little sweeter than I care for, but on the whole they’re quite tasty, and the texture of one fresh out of the oven is indescribable.

We’re all soooo excited here!!! KK just had the local radio stations announce that they intend to open an outlet here!!! In two years.
Talk about marketing strategy. Fuck 'em.

If you like yeast-raised glazed donuts, Krispy Kreme does a standout job, and warm is critical.

But that’s only if you like yeast-raised glazed donuts, which I have always found uninteresting. But warm…well, I have a longstanding weakness for warm, greasy sweet anything.

But the rest of their donuts are average to horrible. The other yeast-raiseds are average (the lemon has nice filling) and the cake-style are truly wretched, deeply, aggressively bad.

For buttermilk or cake, you still gotta go to some good local no-name shop. I only wish the local-no-name shops that know how to do cake and buttermilk would take a page from KK’s book and start making them mid-day so they are fresh and warm. Mmmmmm…

Yup, I’m a heathen: I find lard to be far more digestible and palatable than vegetable oil. Given that, I didn’t think Dunkin Donuts used lard; I thought that they, like other fast-food places, used vegetable oil. <shrug> In any event, I find KK’s to be totally tasteless.

I do not hat Krispy Kremes but this is my question: Why would i have a Krispy Kreme, when i can have a Dunkin Donuts Blueberry muffin?!:smiley:

I threw out the remaining KK’s to the barnyard denizens, AND THEY WOULDN’T EAT THEM!!

Well, not at first. They eat anything after awhile. Makes cleanup of lambing pretty easy! :wink: (thats about as appitizing as the thought of eating another Krispy Kreme)

There is nothing “secret” or “special” about 1,000 Island Dressing.

Simetra, you expressed some surprise at how good the donuts were from the Vietnamese place. Hell, Vietnamese bakeries are EXCELLENT at pastries from all the French Colonial Rule in Indochina.

Check out this page:


Hey thanks for the link Tibs. :slight_smile:

Yes, Vietnamese donuts good… Sim eat…
