Kurdt Kobain, why are you suck a jerk?

I’d like to start off by saying I’m not as big on colorful pit threads as I used to be.

Overall you don’t seem to be a cheery, helpful and friendly poster at all.

Your conduct in Scylla’s heart attack thread was beyond the call of being an asshole.

Two installments in, you say:

Then you get into a pissfight with Michael Ellis. I’m glad that most of the other participants of that thread mostly ignored you, except to say “fuck off” (which you deserved), but which you responded back to them in your usual abrasive manner.

Could you do me a favor and spend maybe twenty minutes in the shower thinking about your posting history on this board, and how one’s posts are often the only insight someone has into another’s personality, and what kind of personality I am supposed to infer from your posts.

No offsense, Kurdt, but so far I’m getting vain, attention-seeking, selfish, rude, apathetic, and just plain mean at times. Among some others. Like feeling smug in your own superiority (be it artistic or intellectual) and originality, self-centered, and holier than thou -although I’m lead to believe you’re the type who would consider yourself far too intelligent to be educated stupid into accepting some evil fake scam god.

I sure hope it wasn’t something I did. This is one of my first visits to the board since mid-December, and that was at the end of a short period of visits following a much longer period of not coming, so it most likely isn’t; unless the board turns to chaos when I’m not around to give my short posts in the surfer-beatnik tongue about life and how it’s like, neat, you know? As much as I would like to thing so, that’s probably not the case.

Oh. Add a little bit of ‘martyrdom’ to the personality list.

Just think about the perspective other people are coming from and what you look like to them. Maybe in the shower, that’s where I do most of my deep thinking. You don’t seem like a bubble bath kind of guy, and I wait for you to tell me to shove off and how wrong it is for me to think I should ever pretend to know you -I don’t- but as I have said that’s the perspective that I and many other posters are led to have.

Calm down, friend.

But, why couldn’t you eat a man from the future?

Ilsa just pitted him an hour ago. He pitted himself an hour before that. What was wrong with those threads?


It seems like every goddamned pit these days is for Kurdt or Question. They have like, three each, and I still don’t have my first. 'T’isn’t fair. </sulk>

God lord.

Not another thread.

I said I was changing and I am. You might not have noticed, as it’s a very recent thing. So I shall inform you so you know now! :slight_smile:

Darn. I must have spent nearly half an hour or more on that OP and I still messed up the title. I swear until now it looked like “such”, could a mod please fix that?

“We’re not gonna make it” He explained how
the end will come - you and me were never meant
to be part of the future

Darn. I must have spent nearly half an hour or more on that OP and I still messed up the title. I swear until now it looked like “such”, could a mod please fix that?

“We’re not gonna make it” He explained how
the end will come - you and me were never meant
to be part of the future

I think we have QUITE enough Kurdt Kobain threads in the Pit as it is, thankyouverymuch.

For the Straight Dope