Lateral Thinking Puzzles - third time is best!

We have two previous threads on this topic, both of which grew quite large. We have had some long gaps in playing these and I thought a new thread would be helpful. If you’d like to read those other two threads they are here:

You may ask yes or no questions to puzzles and solve them. No googling to cheat or get advice, but we basically are just having fun and going on the honor system.

First new puzzle is in post 2.

New puzzle:

Igor was a troll, vicious and cruel. All who met him feared him. But unlike most trolls, he had a unique reason for his cruelty and meanness. What was it?

Does he live under a bridge?
Is his reason releated to his health?


Was he responsible for tormenting a small child in Omelas?

Is Igor an online troll?
Is Igor a real person?


I should note that “Igor” is a fake name I made up.

Was Igor’s trolling politically motivated?

When you say that “all who met him, feared him”, do you mean “met” in the sense of interacted online?

In the sense of interacted face to face?

When you say they “feared” him, were they in fear for their physical, personal safety? For the physical, personal safety of others? For their status of some sort?

Would his reason for cruelty and meanness be considered admirable (even if misguided)?

Did he have one specific online venue that he trolled? Many venues? Did his online venues include large, well-known sites like YouTube and Facebook? Did they include small, niche sites like here? Did he ever troll here, specifically? Did he use a variety of online names in an effort to conceal his identity? Did he use a variety of names, but without an effort to conceal his identity?

Did Igor fake troll to find others with a similar viewpoint? Was Igor in law enforcement?

Does Igor have a righteous motive for trolling?

I think I’m caught up. Some in the quotes there, some under possibly.

Is Igor a messageboard moderator?


KKKKKKK<–just character count to post

Did Igor target a specific person? Specific people?

Did Igor manipulate anyone to commit a crime?

Did Igor benefit financially from his trolling?


Was Igor paid to troll?

Okay, let’s see how I can break that down…

Did Igor commit a crime (as the law saw it)?

Did other people Igor interacted with commit any crimes (as the law saw it)?

If so, did they commit those crimes because of anything Igor said or did? And if so, was that Igor’s intention?

Money is involved, but he isn’t really paid to troll. For example, this isn’t those Russian trolls who are paid to put right-wing-election-stolen type stuff online to interfere in the US elections.