Law of Physics my refridgerator

If The Flying Karamozov Brothers had a sisiter, it would be Mrs. Roboto. She has turned our family refridgerator into a labryinth of Tupperware, glassware and various shaped containers. Our Topshelf is a integrated system whereupon containers of varying geometrical shapes are stacked and acutely balanced in what I’ve termed, “The Totem-Pole Effect”. If one chooses to remove an item, a strategy must first be in-place or like Humpty-Dumpty, evertything will come tumbling down. How can a small jar of capers be the foundation for an octagonal-shaped tupperware container and a styrine container of Tandori Chicken? How does a small truncated plastic container of Cilantro support and balance the weight of a box of See’s Candy and a couple of pounds of Honeybaked Ham? if I could just get that Mr. Goodbar out without knocking over the Dannon Yogurt container which is defyingly balanced on the Nose-Cone of a can of whipped-cream! Speaking of Whipped ?

She might have used a 1920’s style balance ray…

Without having read your post, I can tell you that the laws of the English language have also been deftly defied, several times over. :wally

Fetus…I was programmed by a human Domo

There are rules of grammar, not laws. Rules are not immutable. “Rules” as is often said “are made to be broken.” I should know because I break quite a few of them myself.

And speaking of refrigerator physics, there is an event horizon around ours. I cannot get closer than a certain distance, I think that in technical terms it’s referred to as the “Hagen Daz” radius. If I enter its field I will be pulled inexorably to the fridge to see what’s good to munch on.

All properly wrapped and contained, good on ya Mrs. Roboto!

Keep up the good work. :cool:

My entire kitchen is like that right now. We just went to the Grocery store yesterday, and I’m now sitting here hungry as hell because I’m afraid to get anything out and risk disrupting the delicate balancing act that’s going on in there.

And much like the rules of painting, one must know and correctly practise the rules first, before one should attempt to break them.

Much like cooking…

It’s not “refridgerator”, dammit!