This movie was playing this afternoon but the cable menu listed another program. Majors is driving a Porsche 917 on the street, Heck, in the woods! Burgess Meredith is chasing him down in an ancient F86 fighter from the early 1950s. I was able to track the title down because, well, there aren’t that many movies with Majors, Meredith and a Can-am car.
The movie is very cheaply filmed. It’s the kind of movie where many of the conversations between actors are filmed separately, one facing right the other facing left, and they are never shown together. It is supposed to take place in 2011 (Uh,oh!) when all cars, boats and planes have all been banned. Majors has a boat also, bad boy.
I wish I knew airplanes better as there are several old fighters in abandoned hangars.