Left Behind on Oct 21?

Here’s a thought on what to do if the Rapture leaves you behind. A Seattle atheist group is having an after the rapture party.
Harold Camping is once again predicting the end of the world for Oct 21th.

I will be very pissed off if the world ends on the 21st … we have birthday plans, I turn 50 on the 27th dammit. You only get 1 50th birthday. :mad:

In general you are correct, but actually in your case it would be 0.

I am supposed to turn 65 on the 23rd, if I don’t get raptured. Hmm. Medicare or rapture, medicare or rapture.

The rapture actually did come on May 21 and we were all left behind–every man and every woman on earth was found wanting. On Oct. 21, the tribulations will end.

October 21st? Wouldn’t it be funny if Harold Camping was just trying to drive down the price of Party City common stock just so he could pick up controlling interest for a [del]psalm[/del] song?

Wow, I forgot about that. I hope someone in the news media remembers to contact Camping after it doesn’t happen.

I used to think the guy was a wacko, then us East Coaster’s got hit with an earthquake, hurricane, & tropical storm in less than two weeks this summer.
Hey, if the rocket scientist’s at NASA can crash a spacecraft cause of a little english/metric conversion issue, maybe he forgot to carry a 1 when calculating his original date??? :smack:

Though, FTR, I’d buy green bananas on the 20th.

If you’re gonna mock something, get it right.

Unless he’s revised his prediction again, Camping predicted the Rapture would happen May 21 with the End coming on October as Earth is destroyed by some cosmic fireball & we’re all sent into our Eternal Destiny.

There’s plenty that is mock-worthy about that, but post-Rapture parties are just inaccurate- Revise those invites to Post-Doomsday parties!

There’s plenty that is mock-worthy about that, but post-Rapture parties are just inaccurate- Revise those invites to Post-Doomsday parties![/QUOTE]

Ain’t no party like a post-apocalyptic party! But what does one wear to such an event?

Twenty-oneth? :smiley:

What time is this supposed to be happening? I’ve got tickets to a concert that night.

World Closed: Gone Camping.

Go naked. What’s the difference?

Family Radio: A Non-Prophet Organization

Yeah, that’s ten days after October eleventy.

I’ll be more concerned about these doomsday predictions when they come from someone who has one the lottery - at least twice.

Heh…the video in the second link of Harolds ‘update’ is scarylious. May 21 was the spiritual judgement, not physical judgement.:rolleyes:

He says he isn’t a genius and is only teaching the bible, not what he believes.

He ‘apologizes’ despite the fact that he doesn’t have anything to apologize for.

He then states “I don’t have spiritual rule over anybody…except my wife.
He’ll be talking out of the other side of his hat when the 20th century catches up to him…assuming he’s still here on Oct 22.:smiley:

I’ve got a wedding I’m going to on the 22nd I guess I’ll hold of buying the present, mainly because hauling the dog and girlfriend alog with a present 1100 miles doesn’t sound like a lot of fun but I’m still not spending any money on that wedding until the 22nd.

My birthday’s on the 22nd. I want my gifts early, dammit! :smiley: