Legendary - Anyone pick it up?

I was thinking about picking up Legendary when I head to the store to grab Gears of War 2 (not that i have any time to play either of these games, mind you, but I like to come home and see games by my X360 and think about what it’d be like if I DID have the time), but that was before the reviews start tearing it a new one. The concept seems really cool, though, at least cool enough to overlook a couple hitches in gameplay.

Sp anyone pick this game up? Any thoughts or comments, short reviews?

wow, no one has any opinions on this game?

Never heard of it.

Legendary is best described as “decent concept, inept, hamhanded, incompetent and arrogant follow-through.” Describing what’s wrong with it as a “few glitches” is about as intelectually honest as telling you that what Jesus really needs is money, seeing as there are technical errors there that would exasperate even the people who put the “torp port” in the Death Stars.

At it’s heart it’s a mediocre shooter, at best. Riddled with bugs, glitches, CTDs, horrendous design decisions, lazy and linear design and the perennial favourite popularized by Medal of Honor: Airborne; Turbonazi-level enemies who take forever to die, are uncannily accurate and solo-wield chainguns while walking at you.

Now I could be a spiteful bastard and talk shit about this game for the rest of the day.

So I will.

The “Animus Vitae” life-force mumbo jumbo special powers are ridiculous and idiotically designed. See, you get a pool of one resource - life force - which has to be used for three, different essential things, like topping up your health, “using” mission objectives and a kinetic blast that sends enemies flying. Good, right? Tactical decisions and all that? Wrong. The game absolutely spams you with repetetive waves of identical enemies, but to actually absorb some of this damned resource, you have to be standing pick-still, focus on a dead creature and endure a five-second animation while the Werewolves around you chomp your balls to pieces.

There’s never any time or breathing space to fight tactically - even the Hallmark moments of the game, like when you’re out in Times Square, has been reduced to implausibly linear corridor shooters with squat time to maneauver and throwing tactics out the window in the progress.

And the graphics? Ugly as all get-out. It’s a bloody miracle how they managed to take the bloody Unreal 3 Engine and make it look like a Doom Clone. And when I say Doom Clone, I mean Doom 1.

And don’t even dream about getting it on the PC. If you manage to get it to actually run, you’d be hailed as The Messiah on their support forums. That is, if they actually had support forums. Or staff. Instead they’re all whining over at Quarter to Three or GameFAQs.

I traded it in for Tom Clancy’s End War. If I’d been fiscally better off, I’d have said screw the money and shat on it and thrown it at a junkie, instead.

I like everything I’m hearing here. I was going to get Gears of War 2, but I think you’ve sold me. Thanks Gukumatz!!!

If you thought that was sweet, wait until you try Sack of Crap: the Video Game!

Oh yes, there’s your hero, Sack of Crap and it sits there getting smellier! As a bonus, there’s a spring-loaded boxing glove that you can install in the floor in front of you so it punches you in the balls without warning!

isn’t that the one that has that mini-game that let’s you wath paint dry? Oooh, I wanted to play that.

Hehe, thanks for the mini-review, guess I’ll probably just save my cash :wink: