Legion of Superheroes cartoon series: when did that happen?

Caught an episode this morning, no idea if it was the debut or if it’s been on for a while or what. i count on comic book geek Dopers to keep me apprised of this sort of thing and what with this and not informing me of the new Fantastic Four series y’all are really letting me down.

Anyway, i thought it was pretty OK. Appearing in the ep were Superman (they call him Superman even though he’s a teenager, probably some licensing issue with the name “Superboy”?), Braniac 5, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl and some chick in a white outfit who walks through walls (Ghost Girl? Phantom Girl? they didn’t say). Appearing in the opening title sequence were Bouncing Boy, Timber Wolf (name checked in the ep but didn’t appear) and Triplicate Girl (who I think is called Triad now?) and probably some others I’m not remembering. Main villain was a girl called “Alexis” who I’m assuming we’re supposed to think is a descendant of Lex Luthor. Her hair falls out in the course of the ep (but it grows back). Apparently it ignores the continuity of the Justice League Legion appearance. No Supergirl.

Animation style is less realistic than Justice League but not as fake japanimation as Teen Titans was. I can live with it. The characters are drawn younger than they were on the JL episode and the character design of Braniac 5 in particular is very different. He can extend his limbs and neck a la Machine Man which AFAIK the comic book Brainy can’t do. He has a spinning force shield attachment in an arm instead of a force field belt. Everyone wears flight rings including Superman, which, I never understood why flying characters wore flight rings. It’s not for communication purposes because he wears his communicator in his belt buckle.

Anyway, so yeah, I liked it. I probably won’t go out of my way to watch it but if it’s on and I remember it I’ll tune in.

No love for the Legion? Surprising.

I’ve seen an episode, & it looks good.

But, what is your question? :confused:

They’ve been talking about it for a while, Otto, but I didn’t realize it had begun yet, so I missed it. :smack:

I blame gay marriage.

My question is, Why did 70 people look at this thread without responding?

No, just thoght people would be talking about this show like we talk about most other comic-based series. Surprised it’s been on three weeks apparently with no mention.

This was the third episode - the first (Man of Tomorrow) featured Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad, Triplicate Girl (who is Triplicate Girl in the new comics), Phantom Girl, and Brainiac 5 (who has been blended with Gear from DnA’s series) recruiting Superman.

Timber Wolf was introduced last week (in the episode Timber Wolf).

Man of Tomorrow will be replayed next week, Timber Wolf the week after, and this week’s the week after that, then they’ll start the new ones, so you can catch up.

I am loving this series, and geeking out every week from cameos or references - every episode has at least 1 nifty thing from Legion history, or Superman history, or the wider DCU. And I can still spot-read Interlac, which is pretty nifty.

I hate the animation style but the writing has been good for the first 3 episodes.

You know, the most surprising part of that is that they’re actually bothering to use proper Interlac on the cartoon instead of just random shapes.

I was a little shocked that they did, but I was glad. I love Interlac…it’s a) nifty looking, and b) a fun way to throw in some extra, but non-vital information.

Pardon my ignorance, but what’s Interlac?

Interlac is the interstellar language used in Legion of Super-Heroes (and L.E.G.I.O.N., and a couple other DC comics). It is, real world speaking, a cypher of English, although within the world of the comics, it’s a real language.


Bah! When I was a kid I wrote my secret messages in Micronaut’s Homeworld.

No, seriously. I did.

I can’t find it on the schedule – any help?

I have no opinion, because I can’t find it.

10 AM Saturday on the CW.

Some markets SAY 10 AM, but it ends up on at 9 AM.

Never mind, I see it is on the KidsWB page, which is what, The KidsCW page now?

Only available Saturday Mornings apparently. I’ll try to set a tape next week, but I always found the KidsWB unreliable schedule-wise.


Saturn Girl? Or Phantom Girl?