Let's do this criminal thing "out in the desert"

There’s lots and lots of places in those areas which aren’t Bakken. Eastern Montana is a good two-thirds of the state’s land area, for example. It’s gigantic.

Do people not use pigs anymore?

And risk your organic certification?

So long as the body is organic (which it might be), then the bacon would be!

Mmmmm, bacon.

They’d only know the pig wasn’t organic if they caught you.

But would it be kosher?

The body’s only going to be organic if you can document that the person only ate organic food starting with their mother in the last three months of their being gestated, and has never taken any forbidden medications.

Seems unlikely.

(Might not be anyway; human manure’s not acceptable. But I don’t believe the question’s actually addressed in the standards; I’m extrapolating from other mammals.)

Well, that is one thing about which you really don’t want to “need answer fast”.

That’s why I think the way they dispose of bodies on Ozark is brilliant. The Byrds bought a funeral home, primarily as a money laundering front, but being the owner of a funeral home comes with the side benefit of giving them access to an actual crematorium for body disposal. Although the cartel they work for was once shown using the acid method, likely as a nod to Walter White.

Are you looking over your shoulder a lot now?

I knew a guy who had worked in the funeral industry in Melbourne, and he observed that there was a part of the industry that would line up a quick doctors certificate and cremation if that’s what the customer wanted.

You misspelled ‘quack’.

You know what? You are right. In this case the topic was such that the context for what type of pools were referred to had been established.

Anywhere / anyhow / anywhat there’s a willing buyer there will quickly appear a willing seller of just the thing. Ain’t commerce grand?

Admittedly there’s more possibility of being observed. But you are (A) overestimating how much ground a drone can cover–

Many drones offer enough speed and flight time to cover ten or more miles of ground, but can only travel less than one mile from the remote control.

And (B) you are underestimating how BIG the western US is.

The county I live in is about 42 miles in the shorter of the two dimensions. And there are about 15 counties in my state alone that are bigger in square miles than my county. And my county doesn’t even make the top 100 nation-wide.

There’s a LOT of emptiness out there.

I disagree. I am a (mostly) life long resident of WV, and there are some places many miles and miles back that are as remote as hell. I would agree with you on a point that people will THINK that they are far more remote than they actually are?

An out of stater may say that “Gee, we are in the middle of nowhere!!!” when it is actually a 30 minute walk to the car and one hour to a major north-south interstate. To me, that is not in the middle of nowhere, and any nefarious things you have done will certainly be found out (as the murderers mentioned above were).

Where in West Virginia would you consider “remote as hell” cause I want to go there. Most consider the part I hang out in whenever possible, Mon National Forest in Randolph and Pocahontas counties the most remote part. It has forest service roads through it in several places. I would be surprised if you could get more than three or four miles from a road as the crow flies. The southern part of the state has some rough terrain but it is generally peopled. When I lived in Denver I remember talking to people who had driven through he state on the interstates and they asked me where all the people are. I just told them they in the hollers.

lol i pulled some numbers outta my butt i sort of numbered from when a relative lived out in the boonies

Don’t know which cartel that was, but “The Pozole Maker” predated Breaking Bad:

If you’re looking for something quicker, you could just use explosives, as recommended by the USDA:

I grew up in Salt Lake City and spent a lot of time on deserts as well as the wilderness of the Uintahs. Wiki says Uintah County has 32,000 people in 4,500 square mi. Lots of service roads that are only infrequently used.