Let's do Trump haiku

Let’s do Trump haiku
Find beauty in the best words
And do it big league

Trump has huge ego
Such big words from a
Man with so small hands

His yuuuuuuge fucking hands
Are only dwarfed by his words
He had it measured

Most impressive, prettiest
Haiku you have ever heard, not
Crooked Hillary’s.

Trump is bestest Prez
Hillary worse than Hitler
Vote TRUMP! Vote TRUMP! Yea!

Trump is not sexist
He’ll let Hil’ry be
His Secretary

Donald Trump and his
Basket of deplorables:
November 8th fail.

(Note: in a haiku, the syllable count is: 1st line 5, 2nd line 7, 3rd line 5.)

(Hey, there’s a hurricane and I’m on my phone!)
Trump is not sexist
He will let Hillary be
His Secretary

(I actually had it right before I went back trying to make sure it was right,)

Pence sensational,
but all the credit must go
to Donald instead.

Sad. Sad, sad, sad. Sad!
Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad.
Sad, sad, sad. Sad. Sad.

Though Trump’s an asshole
He drives liberals nuts
Which is kinda cool.

Trump has Russian ties?
I don’t know where you heard that
He just blows Putin

It’s tremendous, yuuuge.
I have the biggest hands, too.
Hillary? Crooked.

Orange face, pumpkin gut
short fingered vulgarian
with daughter fetish

How many plump rumps
would the chump Trump hump if he
could pump up his slump?

Trump haiku, you say?
I’m really lousy at Bridge.
This game’s getting old!

The Trump Plan Won’t Win
When He Is Near A Woman
Shake Tic-Tacs At Him

Trump haiku ain’t won,
Seventeen syllables fun.
Not worth many more.

Trump’s words made public,
A film of obscenities.
Who’s the pussy now?

My favorite Donalds
Sutherland, Penobscott, Duck
Guess that’s about it