Let's keep sneering at "Bernie bros", it worked so well last time.

In the UK recently we had life long Labour voters refusing to vote Labour as they didn’t like Jeremy Corbyn.

Fuck those voters who refused to vote Labour just cos they didn’t like Corbyn & fuck those harder who actually voted Conservative cos they didn’t like Jeremy.

It baffles me & lets me lose sleep how the people described above can sleep at night & switch their loyalties so easily

״Loyalties”? Voters should never be loyal to politicians - it just makes them take us for granted. Politicians should be loyal to voters.

People keep saying Sanders will have to work with McConnell. For now, I prefer to believe Sanders will be working with McSally. I for one am donating to her campaign, and I am nowhere near Kentucky. POTUS isn’t the only thing on the line this year.

While I am posting here, I’ll second the “vote your conscience” sentiment. The Dems should Not become the party of Fall In Line. They need to run a campaign people want to vote for and win that way IMHO. If Bernie Bros don’t want to play ball, they can exercise their American freedom as they see fit. If some want to call them fuck-os for that, that is also their right.

I think you mean McGrath. McSally is the dumb fighter pilot jock who is going to lose in Arizona to an astronaut.

The French will forever get a pass from me for their cuisine. The world should be forever grateful to you.

Dammit! :smack:

I have to wonder what you “work with McConnel” sorts have been watching for the last 15 years.

There is no working with republicans. They have declared democrats the enemy of the American way. They slapped Obama’s outstretched hand dozens of times. We are no longer in a period of time where the political parties regard each other in good faith as people who disagree but both want what’s best, so let’s find compromise. They are utterly radicalized. This is a holy war for them. Their only objective is to stop anything the democrats want to do, and use anything within their own power, legal or otherwise, to ensure their own power.

There are a lot of democrats who seem to think that evythuhg is going to go back to how it was 30 or 40 years ago for no reason. It’s a completely naive belief. No democrat - not Sanders, not Biden - is going to be working with McConnel to achieve bipartisan agendas. If the democrats can’t win both houses, they won’t get anything done.

The republicans have been shifting the Overton window massively right for a long time now, and now we’re in the coup phase of their radicalization. They are above the law. The impeachment trial sham codifies that. Do you think the impeachment is going to slow them down and make them move cautiously? No, of course not - they found that they could completely destroy our traditional system of rule of law and checks and balances and it worked. This will only accelerate the coup we find ourselves in.

The traditional democrats like Schumer and Pelosi seem like they believe what’s happening now is within the norms of American politics, whereas this is absolutely unprecedented. The republicans are running away with power. On the state level, they’re rigging things to give themselves permanent power in a lot of states. At the national level they’ve stacked the courts, gerrymandered, and effectively declared themselves above the law. They have deliberately weakened election security as to invite interference in our elections. We are in a coup. And since almost all of our media is owned by 6 corporations who control the faction that’s winning, no one will talk about it.

So do we need a Democrat who is going to pretend everything is okay, and work within the system, and reach across the aisle? No, that’s exactly what the republicans want - democrats to pretend everything is okay, everything is normal, and feebly appeal to the good nature of the Republicans while they take over our government.

Bernie isn’t going to be able to lead bipartisan legislation because no one is. We’re well past the point where that’s even in in the realm of possibility. What we need is someone to use the bully pulpit to scream from the rooftops that were in a coup, that the rich are solidifying their power over us, and soon we’re not even going to be a managed democracy, but a false one.

I have no idea how so many of you are blind to this. As far as I can tell, everyone is convincing themselves things are okay and normal because they simply think “that can’t happen here” and willfully fail to recognize the obvious coup under our noses.

It may already be too late to do anything about it. But the only chance we have is for someone in power to scream about this to the American people. Someone who won’t become corrupt or convinced to play ball and settle down upon taking the presidency. That’s not Biden. That’s probably not Buttigieg. That’s Bernie.

So Medicare for All comes from… an executive order?

Journey of a thousand miles, man.

The chance that Sanders would get Medicare for All passed with Senate Leader McConnell is, and I checked the math, exactly down to six millionths of a percent the same as the chance that Biden would get minor efficiency tweaks to Obamacare passed with Senate Leader McConnell.

Sanders could do some stuff through executive order, but of course McConnell is gonna stand in the way as long as he’s got any power to do so. McConnell has broken every tradition, every norm, every principle of basic decency in order to mac-truck through a hard-right agenda.

Our choice in 2021 isn’t whether we get a work-across-the-aisle spirit of bipartisanship up and working, with a Democratic President and a Republican senate. Our choice is whether we elect someone who’s going to answer gunfire with shots of his own, or with a handshake and a creepy shoulder-rub.

I will, of course, vote for Biden if that’s what it comes to. But I’m not at all convinced he’s gonna get things accomplished with McConnell. I think he might just try to give that scorpion a ride across the river.

Which candidate gets Medicaid for all through a republican congress?

The two other leading candidates don’t even want it. Buttigieg seems to have a half as commitment to a compromise which gets in the way of a lot of the benefits of having a single payer system.

Emperor Bernie, 'cause King Donald would be the destruction of democracy as we knew it.

CMC fnord!

I’m not saying that Bernie should go about it this way. I’m a ‘Shoot for the stars, land on the moon’ type guy. But there is a little difference. Trump does things like this to do horrific stuff. Whereas most people want M4A.

Not saying it’s justified.

If Bernie isn’t going to get any significant legislating done, I think pretty much all the other candidates would serve as better caretaker “at least I’m not Trump” presidents.

Sure, we would all love them to “win that way”. The problem is that that choice may not be on the menu. It may be a choice between “compromise purity in order to win” or “lose that way”.
If Romney, McCaine or Dole was the opponent I might say sure go ahead and try, but not this time.

On the contrary, if nothing can happen because one side is operating way outside the norm and controlling the Overton window, getting a guy who will call it like it is and get us moving back in the right direction instead of trying not to rock the boat and just keep us going in the wrong direction but slowing it down a bit is the right direction.

Biden and probably Buttigieg we people who will gently steer the ship in the direction the Republicans want it to go, by failing to enact their own agenda and only slowing down theirs a bit.

We’re losing the entire district because of timid third way democratic bullshit caretaking and not wanting to rock the boat. Without a serious change in the attitude of the American public, radicalized republicans keep taking over while democrats gently keep “caretaking”

Establishment democrats want to lose our country slower than the republicans want to drive it off the cliff. That’s not good enough. We’re too far gone.

We need a wake up call. Not someone who doesn’t rock the boat.

Wondering how much money of mine would become McGrath’s if I lived in Kentucky. Hate to say that it would probably all go to waste anyway in a red state.

Why do you suppose some people don’t like Bernie? Is it because we are bad people/Quislings/corporate shills?

Are you asking me why some people don’t like Bernie, or why some people don’t want to rock the boat? Those are two separate questions albeit with some overlap.

Bernie can bring out many who NEVER vote, and possibly take back the Senate to implement some of his policies. The many thousands of young people who come to his rallies probably won’t sit on their ass, and will instead phone-bank, canvass, spread the enthusiasm any way they can… Most people don’t vote in our elections, and when people feel they are being cheated, they become cynical and stop participating.

I would have voted for Corbyn if I lived in the UK, but some people are so desperate they’ll try ANYTHING, and not just who they vote for.

I don’t mean to harp on the subject but I just watched a video posted on reddit of an older white woman at the Iowa caucus demanding her ballot back from a Buttegieg representative because she just now learned that Buttegieg is gay and that her entire support for him was, in her words, “Down the toilet”.

This is what we’re dealing with in some cases, and I refuse to withhold criticism from her and bigoted assholes like her just because they are ostensibly on “our” side.