I’ve been taking salsa lessons for a couple months now, and it’s amazing to me that I only now really discovered how much fun dancing is. Any other Dopers into it?
At the beginning, it was pretty embarrassing to go to social dances. The basic pattern was: ask a girl to dance, completely stumble through a 7-minute song while losing the beat 15 times and going through 10 basics in a row before figuring out the next move. And only having 2-3 moves, causing the girl to roll her eyes as you do a standard right turn for the 20th time. And then it turning out that the girl is an amazing dancer, as I watch in awe as she tears up the dance floor with a competent lead.
I feel like this period REALLY sapped my will to dance, and I was very close to quitting. But one night, after several disastrous dances in a row, something just clicked. Oh, it was nothing special, really. But I managed to actually feel the beat for most of the song, most of my leads were understood and executed with a passing semblance of crispness. A couple of times, the moves actually flowed into each other, and it actually felt like we really had a purely physical communication that was truly responding to the music. Right then and there, I became hooked.
I’m still not very good, but I think I’m over that hump of embarrassment and timidity. I’ll ask anyone to dance now, even one that has competed in international competitions, and feel no shame about it. Though, to be fair, those super-good follows are still sometimes struggling to mask their boredom. But I have no problem being their charity dance for the night!
Some questions:
It seems that salsa music is often pretty hard to stay on beat to, since the rhythm itself is so syncopated; swing, waltz, cha cha, bachata, etc. all seem much easier to follow. Is this something you just have to get used to (everyone tells me this), or are there any tricks to it?
What do you guys out there do when the follow has limp limbs, offering no frame or resistance? I’ve heard mixed things about whether or not you should try to give advice, and I’m curious as to what y’all think.