and take my metaphorical big white cock up your “Injun” ass.
You’ve played the race card so often, when it should not have been played even once. Nobody here “picks on you” because of your ethnic background; I doubt anyone even gives a flying fuck. Newsflash: In cyberspace, you’re judged by your ideas and how you express yourself.
(Just so you know where I’m coming from, I have lived for the past 37 years in a state with 21 federally-recognized Indian tribes. Where I sit at my computer right now, I am just about two miles from a reservation.)
So take the nails out of your hands, brush the chip off your shoulder, and start engaging people on an intelligent basis, rather than your current “Lo, the poor Indian! The noble Indian! The true American who has been so long oppressed and mistreated! Pity the poor Indian!” stance. It’s outdated and stereotypical.
Outdated and stereotypical? The mind boggles over the irony. You say you live two miles from a reservation, but don’t question why anyone has to live on a reservation to begin with??? Don’t ya think Native Americans being reduced to “reservations” is just a tad, I dunno, outdated and stereotypical?
I’ll freely admit I don’t generally read GD leisurely unless there’s a link to a thread in MPSIMS, IMHO or the pit, but A) I used to and B) Lib has certainly posted in the pit a few times (which I rarely read;)). Is there maybe a thread where he’s paraded his ancestry around needlessly? The only one I can think of where one could POSSIBLE make that contestation (and even there I think you’d hafta be plumb loco to do so) is a recent thread where he discussed (and I found out, actually) his father’s heritage.
For that matter, being part Native American (and talking off the boards at length with another doper who’s part NA), I have no issue whatsoever with the instances where Lib has brought up his heritage in an inappropriate place (and having done a search in GD for “native”, “indian” and “indigenous”, I think I found four threads where he used those words at all).
I’ve been reading in GD for over 2 months now. I never even thought about his ethnic background until I heard him say something vague last week, pointing out only that he had a “minority” ethnicity, or something like that. I couldn’t have told you what ethnicity he was a member of, so he can’t be throwing it around all that often.
Anyway, as people are faceless on this board, they can say as much or as little as they like. Personally, I’d prefer that nobody here discussed their ethnic background at all unless it was directly germane to the issue. I’m not king of the board, so my opinion on that doesn’t count. I’d rather that everyone defined themselves by their own merits as an individual and ignored the strengths and flaws of their ancestors entirely. Again, I’m not king of the board. Since some people prefer to draw intellectually on the nature of their ethnicity, it’s bound to come out.
Without any context for the remark Squish is talking about, I have little way to know what way this reference to ethnicity was used.
Ah yes. I must confess I stopped reading that thread after roughly the first half-page (though I did peak in to read one or two responses from people on my radar). And that part of his post is, unless made tongue-in-cheek, perhaps a bit much, though given what I know of Lib I can certainly see how he might be persuaded to think it was the case.
However, at the same time, one response does not seem (to me, at least) to justify the reaction of the OPer, much less the OP itself. Specifically, one post does not (IMO, again) warrant “You’ve played the race card so often”, which indicates several times in a short timeframe. So FWIW (and maybe it ain’t worth much) I’m still waiting for proof:)
I initially read it as tongue-in-cheek- I was unaware of Lib’s ethnicity, (although I must say I haven’t spent a lot of time in GD lately,) so I’d be the last one to bitch him out for bringing it up too frequently.
I think Lib gets his fair shair of virtual buggery for the rest of his schtick.
Not to wade in, but just as an indicator of how often LIB throws around the “race card” – I think I’m pretty familiar with him and his posts, having responded to some at great length, and I had no idea he was part or full Native American.
Hmm. I assumed he was using the Injun as a metaphorical person who was lynched in the past, without having to invoke the n-word. OTOH, in cyberspace, no one can see your face. Give up, Lib. We don’t care.
(About the race thing. And the ontology thing. But other than that you’re cool)
Libertarian said something about bigotry exercised against him and his father in another thread as well. I am not going to link, since I feel that it was totally relevany of him to bring in and hence it’s totally unrelated to the OP.
Squish, I think you might be overreacting quite a bit here. Lib was testy in the thread in question, sure, but he was taken to task on both that and the somewhat superfluous ethnic reference he made to himself (which I didn’t take as a pitty request at all, bet hey what do I know…).
Maybe he’s even been a little testy in general about the whole ‘Lo! Dopers beware! The mods are ‘a’ revisitin’ the rules’ debacle, but hey at least he wasn’t joining the ‘helicopters are ‘a’ coming full o’ SWAT Mods’ crowd - like most members seemed to. I kind of agreed with Lib actually, Tuba was being piled on.
Be that as it may people told him off in no unclear way, and in my view there’s no need to rub it in any further YMMV.
In any case it’s about time this whole farce, with ensuing sub-farces had an end. ‘Storm in teacup’ doesn’t even begin to describe it.
I have seen Lib mention his ethnic background more than once. Each time, it was relevant to the post, IMO, if I remember correctly.
On at least 2 occasions, the posts were heart-felt and provocative. (At least, they stayed with me somewhat.)
I think he knows that nobody (or very few anyway) in cyberspace is picking on him because of his ethnicity. And I don’t think that he was claiming that at all.
Furthermore, Lib has explicitly shown some contempt for the “Pity the poor Indian” stance.
There was a poster on another board, a long while ago, who identified himself as C…W… ( I leave out the actual name in deference to personal privacy issues. ) He described himself, I believe, as “Appalachian poor white trash”.
If he wasn’t the SDMB’s Libertarian, one of them should be suing the other for identity theft.
So when did Lib decide he was an Injun, which he definitely has harped on a lot?
Put me down as another one that didn’t know anything about Libertarian’s ethnicity. I agree with his conmments, I liked his one-man defence of the pile-on, and I assumed the “Injun” comment was not meant to be taken so literally.
I think that this is distinctly unfair to those of us who have no predominent “ethnicity.” What do we do? Why should LIb get a “big white cock” up his ass and we get nothing? We demand compensation.
Well, for those of you who are asking about playing the race card, the fact is that during the whole Tuba debacle, he suddenly dropped in a complaint about how everyone was ganging up on him because he is Native, when nobody had even mentioned it. It was a complete non sequitur, as is evinced by the fact that very few people even knew he was Native to begin with.
Exactly. The problem then becomes (IMO) this part of the OP: “You’ve played the race card so often.” That indicates (as I said) at least to me that there have been several instances where Lib played the race card. And as of yet all I at least have seen is one or two times Lib has mentioned it in GD, along with the recent pit thread. Hardly “so often”, I think.
OK, maybe “so often” was overstating it. But I have seen him bring it up several times when I felt it wasn’t germane to the conversation–and my OP was prompted by Libertarian’s remark in the thread Larry linked to. It really pissed me off; I slept on it so as not to post in haste and when I woke up and had enough coffee in me to think clearly, I found I was still pissed off about it.
milroyj, a few words about reservations: most Indian land is held on one of two principles. There is the “in common” principle where the lands are held by the tribe as a whole, for the whole, and the “allotment” principle where portions of the land are alloted to individual members (who also are allotted portions of the tribal revenue, whether that revenue be from tribal businesses, land leases, government funds or what have you). A good friend of the family was a Pima woman named Joyce who had serious issues with her daughter because the daughter could have been living on her allotment land, in a government-built home, with her two children. Instead, the daughter dumped the kids on Joyce and was living on the streets of Phoenix in a decidedly seedy area, doing drugs. Understandably, Joyce was furious over this.
Now, back when land was cheap and easily available, the concept of living on a reservation may have been a bad one. Now that land and homes are horrendously expensive and out of the reach of most working people, having lands “reserved” to you and yours is actually a pretty good deal. And before you accuse me of jealousy, I was one of many whites who cheered on the Pima when they closed down half of one of the main thoroughfares through Scottsdale (an upscale suburb of Phoenix) because negotiations of lease fees weren’t going in a way they felt was satisfactory. They had every right to do so and I was tickled pink at their actions.
Finally, matt_mcl, if I had “boy parts” (and there are times I wish I did–and that, if I did, Michael McManus was gay ), you’d definitely get dinner and a movie out of me first.
Imapuna and LoadedDog: Go to the Search button. Type “Libertarian” in the space for member’s name.
Type “Cherokee” in the other space. Observe the results.