Life is good, or: the Long Wait is over. :)

Absolutely, and furthermore, doesn’t it make life a little more interesting? Not to say that same-race couples are boring, by any means–I mean, ultimately, it depends on the people, and God knows that Skip and I have been known to choose an evening at home eating hot dogs and crashing out at 9 pm over an invitation to the Provocative-Film-O-The-Moment (or some such mind-expanding activity)–but it just seems to me that you can learn so much more by, as you say, “branching out”, whether it be through marriage, friendship, or a shared Mary Kay experience.

Plenty of those from other places, too. Though in all fairness, the Texan variety is particularly loud and obnoxious. :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats on impending connubial bliss. A wise man once said, “We’re all the same color when the lights go out.”

I understand that FCM has some lovely linoleum and wallpaper remnants you can snatch up for a song that might please your new bride.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’m going to Vegas on Sunday for the first time in my life. Hmmmmmmmmmmm…


Takin’ anyone with ya?

Congrats, you wild and crazy kids.

<old man grumble>

Danged’ furriners, man. They all come over here and scoop up the sexy wimmin. What we’re s’posed to do, huh? Danged’ furriners, man.

</old man grumble>


I’m guessin’, it’s not February 29th so I won’t be gettin’ hitched.

For the record–and just to make sure we’re all clear on this–I don’t sell Mary Kay.

Well, of course not. No righteous white boy would sell MK. :wink:

My sincerest congrats to Heloise and Coldfire. I am a sucker for happy endings.

Hubby and I couldn’t have taken a bumpier road to the altar (the judge as it is), and we couldn’t be happier that we made it. We have promised that this will indeed be ‘till death do us part’. So we either die holding hands when we are very old or we go down like in that movie War of the Roses. :slight_smile:

May you two be as happy as we are.

Exactly. See, this is why I welcome you to the Interracial Club; it’s good to have another Cracka understand my feelings on weighty, important matters such as these.

By the way, I didn’t say it before (so caught up was I in my clarification), but congrats! It’s good to see a happy twosome actually not have to leave one another after a week or so. Now you can bother each other forever and ever and ever and ever… :wink:

Another substantial advantage of being in the Interracial Club[sup]TM[/sup] is that everybody thinks I am, as they colloquially say, one bad mofo all of a sudden. I am down with it, as it were. I am quite fly, for a white guy. So, if you need this cracka’s opinion on something, you just axe, OK? :smiley:

[sub]Maybe I can persuade my wife to relate the “What does bling-bling mean?” story. That one’s a crowd pleaser.[/sub]

But do you have a little plastic statue of a Black Power fist? Skip has one. It even has a sticker on it that says, “Right On!”

I got it at the garage sale of an elderly white man. :smiley:

Wait, wait… you get to be “one bad mofo”?

:: Looks at membership card ::

Damnit! All it says here, ironically enough, is that my only title is “slave” to her whims. I’m gonna file a complaint to the union 'bout this.

On the other hand, she did love me enough to buy me one of these. It’s proudly displayed on my desk at work.

Yeah, and that XJ600 really makes you a badass! :stuck_out_tongue:

[sub]Incidentally, mine was serviced yesterday. 78,000 miles, and it still has 160 psi compression on all cylinders! :slight_smile: [/sub]

Lookee at that! Great minds and all… :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, suuuuuure. The “Look I’m not a racist because I have some weird 60’s Black Empowerment thing on my desk!”-routine. How transparent! Now wonder they wouldn’t make you a bad mofo. :wink:

Johnny, I always knew you were running on all cilinders, but it’s good to know you perform well under pressure too. :smiley:

Does this Interracial Club have a sekrit Complicated Handshake?
Do you drive a low rider?

[Ferris Bueller’s Theme Song]




Hubby is a pale face from up in Denmark, I am from the Caribbean and sport a fashionable year-round tan. There is a lingering suspission amongst friends and family that he married me to save money on tanning booths for his future children.

He’s OK for a white guy. :wink:

He needs to become a Doper ( unless he is one already ) just so he can use that as a sig line !!!

Ahh, love is in the air. :slight_smile: