Light pitting of people cheering Jared's beating

But if you are a ward of the state, the state has a duty to keep you safe.

Jared shouldn’t have been beaten. That said, I wouldn’t have come to his aid if I were a prisoner witnessing his beating.

Thank you, Little Nemo - that is reassuring.

That’s the whole point. Bus stops, parking lots, etc. are not populated with corrections officers who are supposed to monitor the place.

Really? Why not? Would you have not come to his aid because you’d be afraid of some kind of revenge taken against you by the beater and/or his pals/like-minded prisoners? Or would have let it happen because you agree with the beat-down?

I’m a prisoner, not a warden/corrections officer/whatever. I don’t think he should be beaten, but at that point it is the state’s job to see that he is safe. I think he is scum, but that isn’t really a part of my consideration.

If I’m in prison, I will be extremely disinclined to involve myself in any dispute or violence between two other inmates. Not because I support or agree with the beating, but because I am a fan neither of being beaten myself, in the moment or out of retribution, nor of spending time in seg. My name is Paul, and this shit’s 'tween y’all.

No, not at all. I’m guessing here, but I’ll bet the first rule in prison society is to mind your own business. The second is to see nothing, say nothing. The third is not to forget the first two. That’s just my guess, but I’ll bet it’s pretty darn close.