THIS thread shows all we should ever see. One Mod gets pitted… and another Mod backs him up! Locks the damn thread! Cuz it looks bad for the Reader… You stupid M-er F-ers… you try to maintain order… and just make the order fly out the window… close all the threads you like! You just make y’all look stupider.
This just in! Bomb falls on Waynesboro, PA. 6 to 9 people injured. Okay, not really, but…I don’t even know what y’all are talking about, and I feel I may not want to. Other than that, the weather here is absolutely perfect; dew point 55.
I always thought it was “M-F’ers.”
You know, because the -er suffix on “mother” wasn’t necessary, and means something different than the -er suffix on “fucker.” Plus, it seems to flow a bit better.
In other news, the 3-5 Saskatchewan Roughriders go up against the undefeated British Columbia Lions this Saturday. Looks like no playoffs for the boys in green this year. But go Riders anyway.
A note to mods: when you cut off a head, you’re supposed to apply a torch to the stump.
That’s right! If a mod gets Pitted, one of us will immediately spring into action and close the thread before it hits 12 pages. With our cat-like reflexes you can be sure that thing will be shut down within minutes. Well, definitely within a week, 11 days tops. We gotta watch each other’s backs, ya know?
if6was9, trust me when I say if we truly wanted to look stupider, we’d overuse ellipses with the wrong number of periods and write pointless, reactionary OPs about threads we didn’t read. Fortunately, we have you to do all the heavy lifting for us. Dumbass.
You know, some people around here really need to switch to decaf.
Not the Mods! Not the Mods! I LUV all of them. Even that really tall one.
He forgot the spaces that’re s’posed ta surround each of the periods in a ellipsis, too. What a . . . maroon.
Or I guess he could just use Alt+0133 …
Interesting. Close a thread, new thread starts and gets hijacked.
Thread grows to enormace size and finally is mercied killed but now at least 2 new threads have sprung up.
This Hydra thread could consume the entire board if it is not checked.
Wait no!!!
Glub Glub
I just got swallowed by it.
I just want to say that whatever the OP is ranting about, I don’t give a fuck.
I’ll be happy to sell him a fuck, however, and at $2000 below invoice, because we know price sells fucks.
Somebody needs to fix that boy a sandwich.
I gave a fuck at the office and all I got was this stinking STD.
Eh? STD? Sexually Transmitted Downsizing?
Saskatchewan’s out of the play-off running? Dammit.
Go Riders!
Well, the top 3 teams from each division get in, so all is not lost quite yet, but Thursday’s loss to Ottawa and the fact that the next game is against BC renders the outlook grim.
Calgary is ahead of the Riders in the standings, and their next game is tonight against Montreal, who strayed from their traditional passing attack in their win against Toronto.
So, the entire SDMB is instructed as follows:
Tonight: root for Montreal over Calgary and Ottawa over Winnipeg.
You can root for Hamilton to beat BC if you like, but let’s save the impossible-magic mojo for next week. Let the Lions get fat and happy with a win over the Ticats, and then they’ll be complacent and easy pickins for the rested-and-ready Riders.
Hey! What’s wrong with working Monday to Friday?
Actually, ellipses shouldn’t have space in between them, according to most stylebooks. They should have spaces on either side of them, as in “what a … maroon.”
Now THAT was pretty fucking, laugh out loud funny.
And no, that’s not sucking up. Unless that’s a good thing, then it was.
Please see
Wow, I did not see that coming…