Live 8 on TV in America

Can anybody tell me if Live 8 is going to be on TV in America (either broadcast or pay-per-view)? I keep expecting to see it advertised to be broadcast, but I haven’t, and I’ve looked around the internet, and only learned that BBC is going to broadcast it, but I don’t get that channel here in America.

I’m most interested in knowing when and if Pink Floyd’s set will be televised in America.


i understand that abc will be showing some of it. i’m not sure if they will be showing all of it.

If you have access to Canadian TV, CTV will broadcast it starting at 9 tomorrow morning for the whole day.

Will a radio broadcast do? XM radio will be broadcasting from all the venues on Saturday–check for the complete schedule. If you don’t have XM, you have two days to make a new friend who does. :smiley:

MTV is scheduled to show it from noon to 8PM, EDT on Saturday.