Location question....


Wow. Thanks again, mate. :slight_smile:

Not to sound ironic…But WOW! Look at us! This board is an amazing thing to me. All of us communicating, shareing, fighting, making ideas…
Why not we all come right out and be expressive with where we are? If it is as creative as, “Floor #13”, or as honest or home felt as, “Auckland, New Zealand” why not give something to our personailitys?

I guess I’m asking those who have left their location blank to come out and say “hi”. We are not robots…(for the most part), we are interesting here…

I don’t think putting any location, or not putting one at all, is either rude or inappropriate. As another American though I just wanted to point out that I had no idea where “M’boro/Dixion Springs” is. My first thought is Marlborough, a town near me here in Mass., but I have no idea where Dixion Springs is. So don’t assume that even Americans will know you are from Tennessee!

I find it funny in “polling” type threads where people ask “How is (fill in the blank) where you are?” And people answer in great length about how something is where they live, but don’t bother to mention where that is, and don’t have a location listed!

I just put Floor #13 because I’m either on floor #12 or floor #14. :smiley:

Mine changes almost weekly now, although it was static for about a year. The thing is, if anyone wanted to figure out where I am located, it wouldn’t be very difficult.

I thought perhaps you were an Elevators fan, lel.

<< The thing is, if anyone wanted to figure out where I am located, it wouldn’t be very difficult. >>

I’m not lost, I’m right here. It’s everything else that’s lost.

I hadn’t a clue about Dixion Springs, and I would have thought that “M’Boro” was somewhere in Africa… One doesn’t see the word fragment “M’B” very often in English. But that’s OK; if you’re ever posting in a context where your location is relevant, just re-state it there in whatever level of detail is needed.

And I like the creative locations; the only reason mine is the boring city, state, country is that I couldn’t think of anything snappier.

To set all your souls at rest, I’ve never heard of the 13th floor Elevators before this, and yes, I’m right here and not lost! (However, I should have said that upon performing a basic search for my location, one might find it rather readily.)

I do get this a LOT! —>

And… —>

But thats kewl. I am in a transitional stage between moving between M’boro and Dixion Springs Tennessee.
A whole lot of people have never heard of Dixion Springs because it is a literally “BFE” Tennessee if you know what I mean.

Are you sure it isn’t Dixon Springs, TN, cbm77?

(Link site has pop-ups. Sorry.)

Yes it is Dixion Springs, TN Ice Wolf. I apologies if there was any mix up. Also “M’boro” is an abbreviation for Murfreesboro “the big city next to Nashville”. Or as most call it around here, “The Boro”.
Rather Aussie don’t ya think? :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh. I think, then, you’ve left an extra “i” in the name “Dixion”, which may be confusing the folks around here, cbm77.

And I can’t comment on Aussie-ness of anything, not really. Seeing as I’m a New Zealander, a natural born Kiwi citizen (and I hope to be visiting them soon, my first experience of a foreign land) – I’d have to mind my p’s and q’s. :slight_smile:

Oh my goodness you are right ! I have no idea whay I did that ! ! ! HaHaHa!

WOW ! :smack:

And Ice Wolf…
Really wasn’t trying to imply that you were Aussie. I used to get tanked with a few snowboarders from New Zealand in Utah, and they let me know with a poolstick whack on the nose they were not Aussie. those were great times!

Hey, I thought “Is he, or isn’t he? …” and decided to just do a fairly neutral answer. Hey, so you’ve met up with NZers? Great! :slight_smile:

Pity about the poolstick, bit, tho’. I’m more polite. :slight_smile:

No no…It was great Ice Wolf. I was on holiday with my sister in Utah. She was a snowboard instructor up there at the time. In Utah the bars and atmosphere are pretty much bland. We all met at a bar, I was the only one who could play pool with them and we got tanked.
Of course what happens when five men get tanked in a place like Utah?
Four “NZers” and me…We beat the crap out of each other ! HAHAHA! It was great! I didn’t start it either. Afterwards we all met ontop the mountain (ski resort) and got tanked again that night.

So is I or isn’t I?

Mine isn’t actually made up; it is merely meaningless to individuals other than myself.

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