Locking FarmerOak's Threads

This is the reply I was going to post to his second quickly locked thread:

"I saw that and was wondering why it was locked. I saw that Scylla made a post asking it to be locked. I’m not sure if this means that that is all it takes to have a thread locked.

Anyway, I like you FarmerOak. I appreciate that you don’t always go along with the crowd, even if I don’t always agree with you.

If I were you, though, I’d just let it slide. Otherwise, everyone is going to say that you are being an attention seeking martyr. I don’t believe that is true, but from past threads of this sort, it is bound to happen.

You probably won’t drop it --and that is one of the things I like about you. Don’t get yourself banned. I’d like to see you stick around. "

Can someone explain why his threads are being locked so quickly? I honestly don’t understand! Did he do something heinous that I totally missed or is there a crazed monkey with Mod Admin rights loose on the SDMB?

I appreciate your kind words, tevya, but you are well advised that those who defend the Farmer for sins real or imagined are not allowed in the Clique.

And I just want an explanation, not that I’ll get one.

If nothing else, because we have lives, and they are too short to deal with a guy like him. “Oh, look at me! Hate me! Flame me! I’m special.” Feh.

Sorry, if you take too much of our time, you’re gone. Don’t like it? Buy your own message board.

Remarkable. It’s the Pit. Am I really taking up so much of your time?
Why have a Pit, if it’s all subject to your whim?

Well, I have seen many threads like that in the past and many of them get to be multiple pages long (one that springs immediately to mind was Anthracite’s flame me thread from awhile ago). I’m sure there have been plenty more (I can searh and provide links if anyone wants me to).

Isn’t closing his thread --which is very similar to these others-- so early just kind of reinforcing his point?

I realize and accept that Mods can do whatever they damn well please without an explanation. It just seems bizarre, unfair, and bad form. But, maybe that’s just me.

What was the thread that was locked? Does anyone have a link?

He flamed Jerry. That makes enemies. Always.


tevya perhaps you missed this thread

Who is Jerry? I’d like to know so that I don’t flame him (or her). Did he flame him in the 2 currently locked pit threads? I didn’t notice that, but I might not have read thoroughly enough.

Does becoming an enemy in this manner mean that any threads that said enemy starts have the potential of being locked (regardless of whether or not the particular behavior that made them an enemy is repeated)?

I am honestly not trying to be a smart ass here. I’m trying to figure this out so that I know what behavior can cause these results.

Thank you Qadgop! I did miss that thread. I am checking it out now.

I just wanted to say…

Manny! Happy 5K! :smiley:

Jerry (user name jdavis) is the Chicago Reader’s tech guy. He rarely posts, and then only on technical matters pertaining to how the board is run. Since he’s pretty much the person who can just literally pull the plug on the whole thing, and since he provides his time and effort to keep this place free for all of us, we all make nice to him.

He’s got an “administrator” tag under his user name, just so you can easily tell not to piss him off.

My take on this was that the other FarmerOak thread turned into a messy abortion of a tribute thread gone wrong. However deserved any of its criticism was, it just got weird and vague and hostile, and no one wanted more of the same. I’d like to think that’s why the moderators closed the new version of same before it could get off the ground.

I am also of the opinion that FarmerOak didn’t start the new thread to screech “LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!” but rather to take over one aspect of that thread and get it on course and out in the open and over with. Namely, the flaming. I think (personally) it was misguided for him to try, but no one ever asks me. :slight_smile: Misguided because it’s not wise to open one’s self up to flames–obviously some other Dopers find it self-absorbed in a bizarro way, plus who needs the abuse? There’s enough of it without inviting it on oneself. Also misguided because I think anyone who wanted to pile on already got their licks in.

Everyone reads tone a little differently, but I thought he kept his temper pretty well considering. I didn’t think he was melting down or beig a martyr, but I sure as fuck didn’t want to see any more threads giving him (or the rest of us) the chance to change that.

JUST MY OPINION. Just saying it didn’t offend me that they got closed. It sorta made sense to moi.

Then again, I’m odd enough to sorta like the guy. :slight_smile:

Which is, of course, MY job.

Farmer? Martyr? Nooooooo…

He’s trying to get attention to himself by opening tons of threads about himself. That’s trolling and juvenile. Period.

We no like.

He no like? Me no give rat’s ass.

[Billy Joel] Say goodbye to Farmer Oak, say goodbye my BaaaAAAaaaby![/Billy Joel]

LOVE the third-person self-references.

This is something I wasn’t going to say outloud to the boards, but I’ve been reading through many of Farmer Oak’s posts over these last couple of weeks and this last 24 hours just seem to be the straw that broke the llama’s back.

OK, does anyone else find it strange that Farmer Oak has been here for around 6 months but just started posting with frequency fairly regularly? That he chose, as his introduction to the boards, to brow beat Scoo_guy into submission. For no reason whatsoever, Farmer Oak came out of nowhere, yelling and screaming and patronizing someone “we all knew was a troll,” thus earning Farmer Oak the love and respect of SDMB posters everywhere. I find it odd.

Now, I’m not going to leap to any conclusions here, and lord knows I wouldn’t want anyone else to either, but I have a theory…

Post your theory, son.