I am on a day leave for Friday, which means I have a long weekend ahead.
So what would you do if you have a long weekend? Hoping to get some inspirations here
I am on a day leave for Friday, which means I have a long weekend ahead.
So what would you do if you have a long weekend? Hoping to get some inspirations here
[del]Feed squid to the crabs[/del]Go saltwater fishing.
Later in the weekend, I’m smoking various meats. The star will be a small turkey.
Depend if my wife was around or not. If she is then maybe go to a museum on Friday when they aren’t as crowded, cook out, take the dog on a long walk in the woods. If she’s not, then revert to my inner 15 year old: order Chinese food, drink beer and play computer games until 3 in the morning.
I’m taking off Friday, too. Added to Monday, Independence Day, it’ll be a 4-day weekend. I plan on having my horse bred.
I’m taking Friday and Tuesday.
Since I’ve done 10-12 hours of freelancing every weekend for the last two months, I’m planning to work in the garden, finish the rearrangement of all my craft stuff, vacuum the first floor, see a movie or two, nap, read, nap again, watch DVDs, knit. And then take a nap.
I was planning on taking friday off, but I probably won’t be able to finish everything I need to do today. I’m going biking/camping saturday and sunday. ETA: not in the US, so no monday off for me.
Friday is our holiday and I’m back to work on Monday but the plan is for computer games, strolling through the farmers market, baking and relaxing in the backyard. It’s the first weekend that I haven’t either been working or moving the kid or both in over a month and my major goal is to do as little as possible that I don’t actually choose.
I have a 4 day weekend starting tomorrow, myself. I will be sleeping in, playing World of Warcraft, drinking rum and cokes, and catching up on my dirty laundry.
If you’re looking for something a bit more exciting, how about a day trip to the closest metropolitan center? That’d be Chicago for me, but I’m more of an indoor girl. Or, you could go to the beach.
My last long weekend was a couple of weeks ago–I spent the night and went hiking at Point Reyes National Seashore.
I have next week off and the itinerary is still up in the air. I’m trying to decide between going back to Pt. Reyes or taking a roadtrip out to Mono Lake.