Longtime posters Missing in Action?

To begin with one of the oldest cliche’s on this board, I wasn’t sure where to put this, so it’s here…

Who have you noticed Missing in Action since the subscription began?

The odd thing is, two of my favorite posters, Scylla and Spogga, are listed as Members - but I haven’t seen anything new from Scylla in 2 months, and Spogga in about 4 or 5. Are they missing? Boycotting (presuming someone else paid their subs)? Or just busy with that nasty ‘real world’ thing they keep telling me about?

So, this thread is up for two reasons: Post any names of folks you haven’t seen in awhile, and miss; and post any info if you have it. I also ask that, whatever reasons may be brought up (or not), let’s refrain from debating or picking over the reasons of posters who choose not to be here. The subscription debates have there place, and if it’s anything…darker…it probably needn’t be aired here, so I’ll stop harping on it.

So where was I? Oh, yeah. Spogga? Scylla? When are ya’ll coming baaaaaack?
InkBlot :eek:


Whatever happened to Baby J… I mean, Oldscratch?

I wonder how many “disappearances” are caused by name changes.

This is only a few weeks old, so I’m bumping it, since I’m curious about Scylla as well.

His last post was number 9,999; I’ll speculate that…

He was ready to quit anyway, and decided to (a) not make a big deal of it with an “I’m leaving” thread, and (b) quit posting on a noteworthy number to indicate that this was a decision and not a drifting-off?

If that’s the case, it seems like an extraordinarily dignified way to go out.

Anyone know anything?

I actually checked with Scylla, a little while back, right before the boards switched to paid subscriptions. FYI, I even made the offer of paying for his subscription, if price or the ethics of paying were the only factor. But alas, he said that it had become too “Politically Hostile” for him around here for him to consider paying for membership.

Let me just say: God…f***ing…damnit! :frowning: :mad: :frowning:

Let me also just say…oh, forget it. The pain is just too fresh. Just pretend I made a Cartman-esque tirade about “lousy tree-hugging hippies.”

He is alive and well, as I posted in the last “Whatever happened to?” thread… he moved to GA, had no internet access, got a busy life doing stuff. He’s back in CA now being typical old 'scratchie. I haven’t talked to him in a couple months but I’ll tell him y’all miss him when I catch him online next!

Now that is a tremendous shame. His thread on The Horror of Blimps was a classic. And didn’t he write something very touching about his wife on her birthday?

That was Sauron writing about Aries 28, I believe.

I don’t think they’ve posted in a while, either.

He wrote the famed “My Wife, the Angel of Death.”

Noting this is NOT meant as a slam, but there is question over whether he wrote that or not.

Regardless, it was funny, and I’m glad he posted it. I just wish it were clearer who the original author was.


Huh? Clarification?

Phil Dennison. I miss him above all others.

Sailor & London_Calling.

Kn(*)ckers - she changed jobs to oa non computer one, had no computer at home, apparantly doesn’t live near any libraries or cyber cafes.

Tars Tarkas - had major beef against pay to post, decided it was time to get the monkey of his foot anyways. Back!

Satan - chained and abyssed for the thousand years.

Zeldar - he just disappeared, man!

Satan claimed in his LiveJournal at one point that he was posting here under a new name. Of course, he didn’t say what the name was.

I stopped reading the LiveJournals ages ago, so he may have been found out and booted by now.

Sauron’s still around; he just posted to a LOTR question (somebody asked what people thought of PJ’s depiction of Sauron and he obviously felt compelled to contribute…).

This is the first I’ve heard of that. He was even able to get it published under his own name in a magazine.


Name changes since 2004-04-02:

**Old Name                    New Name**
1920s Style Death Ray       1920s Style "Death Ray"
a1997xf11                   Frame Dragging
amore ac studio             biqu
BarbaraH                    Pullet Surprise
bbbill                      3.885AM
Beeruser                    the first supraliminal
BigDaiv                     Chimpy
ciscochick                  HeatherPA
CURIOUS_GEORGIE7            The Chao Goes Mu
dneylon                     Bandersnatch
Dragonsong                  Little Lioness
EDS-MB20                    King Eumenes II of Pergamum
erinfish                    Marjorie
Fairblue                    AveDementia
GMRyujin                    Doomtrain
grem0517                    Zakalwe
icephoenix                  Vision of Love
Jean Grey                   Thera
JuanitaTech                 UrbanChic
Libertarian                 Liberal
lillalette                  Miss Purl McKnittington
Loup                        Anduin
LunaSea                     Profane
Marianne                    Roberta Plant
Mausmagill                  Maus Magill
maximum_dl@hotmail.com      Maximum DL
Obsidian Flutterby          Flutterby
PapaBear                    According to Pliny
peter morris                Peter Morris
Portwest                    Calokin
rimshotgdansk               Genghis Bob
roxx222                     Antigen
Ryan K                      Yesterdog
Ryan Mahoney                Cluricaun
SCOTTinWLA                  Assuming facts not in evidence
Sender                      Peter Doubt
SMTWTFS                     Dewey Finn
Thea Logica                 The Asbestos Mango
tiglon1                     Kaboodle
TOTBP                       Beauty Personified
ven+                        violacrane
Who Stole My Name?          Go You Big Red Fire Engine
yosemitebabe                yosemite

I haven’t seen anything from Billy Ruben or DLGirl for a long long time.

That’s one hell of an accusation, especially considering he talked about copywriting it and/or publishing it along with some other of his works. That story was linked to from many sites, reposted endlessly, and I’d be a bit surprised if in all that someone along the line didn’t also try and take credit for it. It seemed to me it’s humor was entirely in line with many of Scylla’s other works and I had no reason to believe it came from anyone else. The very idea of Scylla plagerizing words or ideas strikes me as woefully lacking in justification.

You may pay lip sevice to not meaning that as a slam but unless you can legitimize your accusation I think you owe us an explanation and him an apology.