Looking for an old post


I’m a long time lurker (2007-present) but i’ve just remembered a thread that I’d love to see again.

It had a link to a collection of photos of some urban militia in the middle of a shootout in Africa. Thats about all the detail I have, they weren’t wearing uniforms, more likely casual sportswear from what I remember, they were firing guns such as AK 47’s and possibly RPG’s.

I can’t remember if the thread was about how the rifles were held, or about AK 47’s in general, but I just remember the photographs being fantastic and despite being obviously being about a terrible subject, quite charming :slight_smile:

Hope someone can help!


Can you think of any keywords that might have been in the thread?

Not especially… I’d say rifle? AK 47? Africa?

From what I remember the post was about a dfferent subject, and someone posted the photos to support a point they were making, so it might have been about how different people fire a rifle… but that is a BIG might

Well, I’m getting lots of hits. You might want to head over to Google and tweak this search.