Looks like the conservative hicks gave Florida to Trump

Even worse in Ohio. Lovely. As of the time of this writing he is up around 100k, I think he took Florida, the angry white uneducated masses win the day. Stay tuned, we’ll see if it is enough to take out the nation. Not good early returns from battlegrounds though.

As a Floridian I voted for Trump, just because I am tired of Hillarys lies.

Please don’t be needlessly divisive. Many of them are not poor, uneducated or “deplorable” at all. In a republican democracy, the white uneducated masses have exactly as much right to vote as the uneducated masses of every other race and ethnicity as well as the rich and educated. That is just the way it works and you can’t get upset when it doesn’t go in your preferred direction because it may be the opposite next time and I seriously doubt you will complain then.

I am a Never-Trumper personally (I voted for Gary Johnson) but the early results are starting to show that his supporters actually got off their ass to vote more than Clinton supporters. There is nothing we can do about that if they didn’t care enough about Clinton or the governance of the nation to even show up.

All of this may be for nothing. Either candidate can still win. It is a lot closer than most people would have expected at this point but a vote is a vote and many different types of people are doing it for their own reasons. You have to respect the outcome and not assume that everyone that voted differently than you is uneducated or evil.

That is a big part of what got us into this mess in the first place.

If you feel that strongly, re-open this thread in The BBQ Pit.

Let’s not fan the flames in Elections.

[ /Moderating ]