Lost 2.5: "... and Found"

Is there a pool going on how many minutes worth of commercials there is going to be? If so, put my money on 40 minutes.

I wonder ifhe’s Spartacus.

I’ve been saying he’s dead all along.

Dudes, Walt is DEAD!

Not only is next week going to be a rerun, but I’ve been given to understand that we won’t see the next new episode until it’s officially Sweeps. Does that mean Nov. 2 or Nov. 9?

As for Walt:

I think we won’t see him again until the storyline has had enough time pass to account for his rapid growth spurt – in his wet vision sequence, he looked about eight inches taller already.

I’m an Auturo Fuente fan myself, though I’ve tried most on your list. I love Romeo y Julieta also…Cohiba is nice too though I think they are over rated (I’ve only had the Dominican variety) and enjoy Monte Cristo also. :slight_smile: I know its a hijack but thought I’d just reply quick…besides, the OP joined in too.

I won’t go into it here but any time John. :slight_smile: Its usually nice here too though it does get cold during the winter (I’m up in the mountains in a small town called Placitas).


Four more hours to go…Sigh.

No, Zed’s dead, baby. Zed’s dead.

Oh great, Lil Miss Bitch is forcing a tribal merger? Although it would be fun to see her butt heads with Locke…

Yeah, I want to see what happens when Rambina arrives at our survivors’ camp and tries to start giving orders.

I’m loving Jin more and more with these flashbacks.

If I had to do a shot for every time she said “we’re moving out now” I’d already be too drujnkl topkln ti=s psto. :eek:

So the Others haven’t invented shoes yet? That was weird.

“You married? Too bad… you seem suited for it”.


Wait… Ethan wore shoes! Therefore, he cannot possibly be an Other! :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, but he was trying to infiltrate the survivors’ camp. When in Rome…

He had to briefly give up his barefoot ways.

Actually, it makes sense (to me, who knows nothing about tracking) that being barefoot would make them harder to track. Like Echo said, “they don’t leave tracks.”

Them folks looked to me like plane survivors. The pants were modernish.

I think I have a major crush on Jin now. grins

What did Jin say to Michael at the waterfall to convince him to go back with him and BBD? Also, did BBD give Jin a hockey stick to fight with? :wink:

Maybe, but is the kid with the teddy bear old enough to be Alex?

I’ve been thinking that the rest of the survivors of the tail section were “turned into” Others – like being an Other is the result of some kind of virus. Like in 28 Days Later or something.

Maybe it wasn’t a kid. :wink: