Lost 2.8: "Collision"

Ana Lucia is another character with parental issues too. I am pretty certain that LAPD officers aren’t allowed to be assigned to the same unit as another family member. Heck, they don’t even allow librarians to work in the same unit if one of them is a supervisor.

I think Ana Lucia likely quit the force after the shooting and had gone to Australia to just get away. I doubt she was charged in the shooting. Somehow, I think she would have ways of avoiding punishment for that crime. If she had been charged, why would she have been flying back to L.A. of her own volition and not travelling in Kate-style?

Well, it’s partly my own bias: while I’m empathetic to any kind of loss (yes, even a fictional loss), for some reason I have a particular soft spot when it comes to spouses. So the Bernard/Rose reunion just killed me, but I hate to cry so by the time the Sayid/Shannon scene came I was already blowing my nose. <grin> I definitely agree that it was extremely touching and emotional, though … the last 5 minutes of this episode are among my favorites of both seasons.

I missed something. What did that guy do that caused AL to blow him away when she was a cop?

He shot her. She was covering the front door of a building during a robbery call, and when he came out he said he was a student and wanted to show her his ID. She let him reach (her words) for his ID – which was really his gun. Ana-Looncia took four shots to the chest through her Kevlar vest (IIRC) and almost died. She was pregnant at the time of the shooting.

Which reminds me: are pregnant cops allowed to walk a beat? You would think that other than issuing parking tickets (which even in my neighborhood could be dicey), it would be awfully dangerous for a pregnant female cop out on the streets.

Her captain probably assigned her to desk duty, until Ana Lucia pulled the madre card to bully her into letting her go out on patrol.

Definitely ass-kicking. Such a sucker-punch, too. The triple Sound-of-Music shot: Vincent/Michael (Hey, buddy! Good boy! My remaining connection to WAAAAAAAAAAALT!) Rose/Bernard (“I knew you were alive!”) Sun/Jin (“I thought you were dead!”)

All with dramatic strings hitting just the right frequencies to prime you for the slightly sappy happy weep, and then Bam! the already-tragic figure of Sayid appearing like Orpheus out of Hades with his Eurydice. Fuuuuuuck. And who’s sadder looking? Sayid with that raw anguish going on, or Ana Lucia, who looks like she suddenly understands how completely destructive she’s been? No, wait, maybe it’s Jack.

Wow completely the opposite for me. If I see one more musical-montage ending, I think I’ll stop watching. Not just Lost, but all the shows that employ this cheesy cop-out of a device. You’ve got some talented actors there, folks. Give them dialogue, and let them play the scenes. These pantomimes are just ridiculous.

This show is losing me. I find I care about the characters less and less each episode.


Next week’s epsiode looks interesting. According to the Canadian CTV preview:

We may find out what happens if they don’t press the button after 108 minutes * boom *
Kate gets it on with Jack

What did the US previews show?

Can’t wait!

Is it bad that I was half-hoping that a polar bear would interrupt their reunion by jumping out of the woods and eating one of them?

Am I a bad person?

ALso, the Locke/Eko meeting was clearly intended to foreshadow a complicated relationship/rivalry. There was some energy to it!

Were there previews for next week? I must have missed them :smack:

The previews here showed Kate’s backstory.

Yes, apparently we’re supposed to completely understand her now. :dubious:

My husband is not sympathetic toward AL at all. His dad was a cop, and you never ever ever shoot until you have identified your target. I tried to explain the whole plane crash/strange people who take your fellow survivors in the night/throwing the wrong guy in the Pit thing, and he still said you never ever ever shoot until you have identified your target. It’s drilled in during training, so AL should never have shot Shannon. But she did.

So, did she kill the suspect, or was the scene in the bar parking lot a fantasy, since she told Sayid she never found the guy? Hmmmm…

I was a bit :rolleyes: at her demanding Michael go to camp, bring back half the ammunition and some supplies and she would release Sayid. Mistereko had already mutinied, Bernard was getting ready to, and Libby (Cindy?) was starting to question her. I bet if Michael had backhanded her, everyone including Jin could have jumped on her and disarmed her.

When Ana Lucia didn’t ID the guy, my girlfriend immediately said, “She wants him on the street so she can kill him herself.”

I also have trouble believing that the LAPD allows a cop to work in a precinct where her mother is the captain. So, her last name is Cortez, eh? Another little joke?

Although I understand Ana Lucia better, I was still kind of hoping she’d eat her gun. She never should have been a cop in the first place. Now, after losing her baby (and, if I had to guess, her ability to have another), committing a revenge murder, getting Nathan killed, and now killing an innocent person because she shot at the first movement she saw, what’s left for her? (And I was never impressed with her repeated claim of having kept the remnants of the 22 tail section survivors alive. Aside from eliminating Goodwin, she didn’t really do much for them.)

What’s in store for Sayid now? He had felt dead for a long time, and it seemed he was ready for life again with Shannon. Now that’s been taken away from him.

Will we ever find out what happened to Cindy? (I think that was her name: the Aussie flight attendant.) It would seem almost impossible for her to have been snatched by the dirty, barefoot Others while in the process of getting Sawyer up a cliff.

It occurs to me that Walt, Jin and Sawyer didn’t know what was down in the hatch when they left. (Did they even know the hatch existed?) Too bad they missed out on Hurley’s feast.

This is turning into one of those shows where all the characters need to sit down together, spill all their little secrets, and see what it adds up to.

When Michael arrived at the hatch, I really expected him to say, “What the hell is this place? How did you find it?” No one seems to express surprise at the weird coincidences and strange events on this island.

I have a feeling she was only a “little” pregnant … in fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she hadn’t told anyone yet – even her mom – at the time she was shot.

True dat. The look on his face right before we see Sayid/Shannon was phenomenal. Such sorrow. I get more and more impressed with Matthew Fox’s acting as the season goes on. That look is partly why I was completely convinced for a second that we were going to see Ana’s swinging body, but even at the time it struck me as more anguish than I’d expect him to show for her – it was much more appropriate for, and definitely helped set up the powerfulness of, the Sayid pietà.

You’re right, we feel completely the opposite. :slight_smile:

A lot of dialogue-acting happens on the show, but I feel that it’s harder to express an emotion without words than to deliver a convincing line. And the montage scenes we’ve been seeing are the kinds of moments where there are no words: I fully believe that everything at the end of the show would have taken place with very little talking, because there is just too much emotion to express (and in Sayid’s case, simply nothing to say). That, to me, is the most impressive kind of acting.

The best no dialoge (ND) scene to date on LOST was when Jack informed Shannon of Boone’s death. You could actually the bitter shock of extreme sadness. Other than that one and a couple of mood setters early in Season 1, I’ve grown very tired of the ND scenes. It’s bleeding over into other shows too.

Add me in as another Anti-AL. I want her DEAD! I want her family DEAD! Her dog DEAD! Her friends DEAD! Her carreer DEAD!


But isn’t this situation more akin to a military situation than a police situation?

In a police setting, the cop not only has a duty to protect herself or others cops, but has a higher duty to the innocent civilians that may be in the area.

But, in a combat zone, there is (sadly) an understanding that there is going to be friendly fire or collateral damage.

Even in a combat zone, if you had just taken casualties and an unknown entity started running at you, I imagine that person would be shot.

Now add in uneartly whispers and mysterious “others” and you kind of understand her shooting of Shannon.

People keep saying Ana Lucia should have verified, but how would she have known Shannon was any less of a threat than Goodwin?

As much as I dislike Ana Lucia (really, I think I just dislike the actress), I think the shooting was good faith, self-defense.

I sure hope not… it sounds like an excuse for another useless “Lost” clip show that would reveal absolutely nothing new (Jack, Kate, Locke, and the gang sitting around a campfire spouting dialogue like, “Remember the time when we found the pilot…” followed by the same footage that I can watch on my Season 1 DVD set)

Good lord, I hated that scene. Again, I felt that it was just a complete cop-out on actually presenting the events that are supposedly occuring. Scenes like that only work for me if we are supposed to be viewing the action through the eyes of some integral third party. For example, if we were supposed to be seeing exactly what, say, Locke was seeing, and reflecting on how the events happening down the beach might effect him.

You don’t think Bernard and Rose had some touching words about how much they missed each other? That Rose might have had an interesting - and perhaps portentious - comment on how she KNEW her husband was still alive? How about Sun and Jin finally stating that they’re sorry for the way they’ve behaved towards each other? There’s an opportunity for actual plot and character development, and it’s being tossed away so that the producers can play a pop tune, and sell a tie-in CD.

It can be, but that’s not what’s happening here. These actors are miming conversations, probably improvising dialogue and play-acting the scenes as if they were really talking to each other. Watch the ending. You can see mouths moving.

The kind of scene you seem to be referring to is very different, and can indeed be incredibly moving. One stellar example that comes to mind (from an otherwise tedious and indulgent film) is Tom Hanks in “Forrest Gump”. In the scene towards the end where he is told that the small child in front of him is his own son, Hanks plays the reaction perfectly. A dozen different emotions flash across his face and through his eyes, there are simply too many questions and we have already learned that this man does not have the vocabulary to express them. That was a great ND acting moment.


My impression of Ana-Lucia’s pregnancy was that she was probably still in the first trimester, so she didn’t have to stop working or walking a beat. She also seems like the type who wouldn’t stop working until she had to. I’m sure she was quite depressed after she lost the baby, which probably led to her break up with Danny and subsequent psycho behavior we so enjoy now.

Did anyone else get the idea that Jack and Ana-Lucia might have some sparks between them in the future? I think that Kate and Sawyer are more likely to hook up than Kate and Jack at this point, though this is pure speculation on my part and not really a spoiler. I could be totally wrong.