Lost 4.06: "The Other Woman"

Well to be fair, soon they will ALWAYS air at 10pm, so consider this their way of dipping your toe in the pool :smiley:

I saw that. 10PM is too late for a show that people like to get together to watch. But if they stay on Thursday, they can’t go up against CSI.

I love getting LOST right after Idol.

Yep, it’s time for more Juliet and Ben screen time. I love Desmond, but he had his day last week.

Oh, come on! Just say “Michael is the man on the boat!” The lame tease is pathetic, especially with Harold Perineau’s name in the credits.

I wish they had found a way to re-introduce Michael without announcing it in advance.

Well, this was the first episode of Lost I’ve watched live since the “my name is Mrs Clue” episode back in season 2. I’ve been catching up over the last couple weeks…season 3 wasn’t QUITE as bad the second time around (probably due to not having to wait a week for the next ep), but season 4 has been great so far, and the show I fell in love with is finally returning the love again.

Anyway, I’m thinking that the spy on the boat is not Michael but Mikhail, and I’m thinking this because

The preview at the end of the episode said that we’d see the face of somebody we’d never expect to see again, and since Michael has been in the credits all season, EVERYBODY’s expecting to see him again

plus I love Mikhail, and he already died once, so why not twice? Plus it would make sense since he was already swimming around the ocean anyway.

“So Michael, how come Walt’s grown a foot in 2 months and needs a shave?”

“It’s complicated”

A pretty good episode. Not as good as the previous few, but still good. We finally find out that the boat does in fact belong to Charles Widmore, as many have speculated. Are we to assume that he is also the boss of the woman from Sayid’s flash-forward? I hope so; I like the idea of him and Ben controlling warring factions going up against each other. Looks like Ben might end up being a protagonist in the long run.

Looks like we have to wait another week to find out who the man on the boat is. I wonder if they have the guts to make it someone other than Michael, the obvious candidate. It certainly would be unexpected. I have no idea who else it could be though. I guess we’ll see.

SON OF A B…! My work called me a couple minutes before the end, I didn’t hear anything after Juliet told Jack Ben sent her to kill them. I missed the entire conversation after that. I did see the very end though. I’m also unsure if I missed a couple minutes int he beginning. The first thing I saw was Juliet sitting in a room and then the therapist chick walked in, did anything happen before that?

Well, this was a bit of a let down after last week’s really fine episode. I wish Juliet had offed that annoying Charlotte, & let Daniel alone. So Ben has an obsession with Juliet? - a disappointing plot twist. Also, we’d all figured Widmore was the big baddie behind the frieghter - I’m glad we’re getting some explanations. But I don’t see how they’ll stretch out for two more seasons the story of Widmore vs. Ben for the power of the island.

Basically, she just said that the people on the boat are coming to wage war on Ben and that Ben will win. And something to the effect of Ben would come for her and Jack doesn’t want to be anywhere near her when he does. Jack asked why, and she mentioned how Ben thinks he owns her and also because of her feelings for Jack. They kiss. I think Jack said something else, but I forget what.

We also see Hurley and Sawyer tossing horse shoes, and Ben walks by. They are confused to see him out and about. They ask him what he is doing out, and he just replies “see you at dinner.”

And no, you didn’t miss anything in the beginning.

Michael Emerson is awesome. I just loved his nervousness when Juliet came to dinner. Perfect. And, “I own you!..Take all the time you need.”

I’ve always found Juliet painfully irritating. That’s still true, but this season she’s about 10% less irritating. So this episode managed to be fairly good despite the continuing urge to slap her around.

Except when she refused to tell Jack anything during the trek through the jungle. Then I moved up to the urge to punch her. And maybe Jack too - why does he continue to trust her no matter how suspiciously she acts?

Of course, I wanted to eviscerate Ben when we discovered that he is a rapist via intimidation.

It was a violent episode for me.

Wait, what? I forget, was it said in a previous episode that Ben & Juliet were intimate?

I don’t recall one way or another if they ever spelled it out whether they had sex or just involved in some way. But I consider trying to terrify someone into sleeping with you, by trapping her on an island and murdering her lover, to be rape.

Well OK. I’m not trying to argue that. :confused: I just didn’t remember if I had missed a plot point.

There was a comment that Ben was in love with Juliet because she looked just like “her”. So who is the “her”? The girl we saw him with when he was a kid? I can’t remember, did we ever find out if she died with the rest of the Dharma-ites?

I’ve been trying lots of various scenarios in my head and can’t come up with a good one that would cause Sayid to work for Ben. Unless of course Ben has somehow resurrected Shannon in an alternate timeline and is holding her hostage. But seriously…

Fuck yeah that was awesome. And I SWEAR I saw him run up that hill like a girl (elbows in).

He was really smarmy this episode. Delicious!

For some reason I think maybe Ben thinks Juliet looks like his mom. Only his mom isn’t as scary-looking as Juliet IMHO.

You guys need to stop bagging out Juliet. One of my best friends looks very similar to her and has the exact mannerisms. It’s really eerie.

Wow, I forgot about his mom. I wonder if Ben every availed himself of the therapist?