Lost kitty.....

YAY! I’m thrilled!!!

How about a gift certificate to a very nice restaurant?

They sound like very caring people and are probably just happy that you have been reunited with your Sabrina. How about a small donation to the local animal rescue in their name?

I’m so happy for you. :slight_smile:

Okay this made me snarf Dr Pepper all over the place!

:: is still laughing ::

True we didn’t have to resort to buying a bird. I am really happy to have the furball back. My gosh it is such a relief to find out she is okay. I have had nightmares ever since she got out. Dogs eating her, her getting ran over, wild coyotes sneaking up on her, other cats chasing her, rabid squirrels…the list goes on… :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the good wishes :wink: I love you guys/gals!

It’s an excellent idea - definitely have her checked out before allowing her to interact with the other cats. She in all likelihood now has roundworm and/or tapeworm, which you will want to treat before they interact or you’re going to have to treat all of them. A pain and expensive.

Re the rabies, it’s not that likely she contracted it but the fact that the dog is big won’t protect him. If she were rabid, all she has to do is scratch him. She can probably do that easily even if he’s able to pin her down at some point. (Although if she has been vaccinated and he has been vaccinated, then you are almost certainly safe. You might just want to ask your vet’s opinion.)

I am so glad you found her! She was probably hiding right there scared to death the whole time. That’s what they do, those little divils.

I love a happy ending. ::sniff:: :smiley:

The cats are on a different vaccine schedule than the dog.

The dog had her shots back in June and Sabrina and Sebastian’s shots are due this month. So I figure it was safer to put Sabrina with the doggie since she has had the most recent shots than risking the other cats. I didn’t want to risk exposure on lapsing vaccine schedules, if that makes any sense :wink:

And trust me, tomorrow little Miss Houdini is getting a full check up at the vet’s office along with her full series of shots along with Lexie. Loki, is current on his vaccines since we just had him neutered, so Lexie and Sebastian are the only ones at risk right now if Sabrina picked up a bug.

Ah. The joy of pet ownership…keeping track of who needs what. I am not complaining, I adore my dog and cats and it is so nice to have all of them “together” again, safe and sound.

Hooray! I’m so happy that your Sabrina has come home!

I have been following this thread for days, hoping to read good news. I’m so glad your Sabrina is back!

Yay! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
What a relief! I was just thinking of you today while I sat at my vets office for 3 hours, waiting to get their annuals done.

Make sure you pad lock her cage before taking her out of the house again.

When she smells better, be sure to snooch that belly for me. :smiley:

Smelly cat, smelly cat, it’s not your fault……* :wink:

Hooray! I’ve been thinking about Sabrina and praying she’d come home! Yahoo!

Oscar says “errr!” which I take to mean “welcome home Sabrina!”

:: giggles ::

Sabrina just got a bath. She didn’t appreciate it at all until I got her in the towel. Normally when I give her a bath she wants the hell away from me pronto for getting her wet.

This time she sat in the towel purring while I dried her off. I take that to mean, I am forgiven for getting her wet and she is REALLY glad to be back inside a house where it’s nice and warm and dry (well until I gave her a bath) and next to her favorite curl up toy. (the dog)

I will give all of you an update tomorrow after our visit to the vet to let you know.

hooray!!! this is the finest kind of news. i’ll bet your feet haven’t gotten near the ground yet!

fancy feast for everyone!!!

Yay for safe return of the kitty!

Sabrina checked out fine at the vet. She has a few, very minor abrasions on her back which look like cat bites or scratches. Other than that, the vet gave her a clean bill of health. She is down 1.5 pounds, so that puts her at 4.5 pounds. Did I mention Sabrina is very petite for an adult cat?

Thank all of you for your well wishes and happy thoughts. I am thrilled to have my kitty back and have been loving on her all day. She will not allow any of the other cats within 5 feet of her before she starts growling, however; she slept curled up to the dog last night. Guess it was a bad 12 days out in the wild. I am sure in a few days she will settle back into normal indoor lifestyle and play.

I just saw this thread and was holding my breath reading it hoping for your kitty’s safe return. I had my babies microchipped but haven’t registered them yet-this is spurring me on to do it. She really is a tiny tiny cat, though, my 6 month old kitty is almost 9 pounds!

Gosh. A six-pound kitten-kat! She’s just a little girl!

I am SO pleased she’s home. I had her in my thoughts all week.

I’ve been following this for days and opened it just now with very baited breath (baited with stinky giblets!)
What a relief! I am so happy for you and the princess. My Daisy is only about 6 pounds, so I can imagine how skinny poor Sabrina must be. Time for treats!


Wow. She’s smaller than my Luna (8 pounds 4 ounces), who is only 9.5 months old. She is a small cat.

I am very glad you found your cat! Your post where you announced her return had me saying – no, no – don’t get your hopes up – and then it was her!

Perhaps for the neighbors who gave you the trap – just let them meet Sabrina. Show them the life they saved!