Lost kitty.....

…told you so!!!


You guys/gals are great :wink:

Yes, Sabrina is very diminutive, which is why I was so frantic to get her back inside. Shoot a high wind could have blown her away. Most of our cats in the past have been these 15+ pound bruisers and then we have the 75 pound dog. The other cats would “play” with Sabrina, chasing her around the house, trying to pin her down, however; she has razor sharp back claws and she has learned how to use them.

Last night Sabrina slept on the bed with me (since Cardsfan is out hunting). She was in guard mode last night; because any time one of the other cats jumped on the bed she would hiss at them and they would get down. So she has reclaimed her spot as “mommy’s girl”. I had to go around the house picking up cats and loving on them since Sabrina won’t allow them to come near me at the moment.

It really is nice to have her back, although I am sure the other cats in the house are saying “damn I thought we lost that cranky witch”.

hehehe You just couldn’t resist could you? :smiley:

Are the bites/scratches near the scruff of her neck and below? Could be from an un-neutered male cat(s) trying to mate with her. They will bite the scruff and try to hold an unwilling partner in place.

They are around her neck and on her the lower side next to her flanks. Sabrina is a spay, and I have not known many male cats that will try to mount a female cat if they are not in heat. From past experience of being a cat owner, male cats don’t hunch everything in sight like male dogs do. :smiley:

Don’t forget that cats also issue the “kill” bite to the spine of the victim, although on bigger targets they try for the throat. If a male cat did try to mount her, I am sure he looks worse than she does. She is small and cute, however; I’ve seen our male cats lose a lot of hair to her back claws if they piss her off. They pretty much leave her alone, Sebastian won’t touch her anymore unless he attacks her while she is napping.

I have noticed one thing really strange since brining her back inside. She tends to do this grunt/bark sound before going into that low angry cat growl. Pretty strange.

I’m so sorry to be the one to have to break this to you. :frowning:
That’s not Sabrina…she’s been replaced by a Chihuahua in a cat suit.
It’s part of their Master Plan [sup]TM[/sup] to take over the world before the cats do.
They take out high ranking felines from the Cats Legions Around the World, or C.L.A.W., and replace them with canine counterparts.
This would also explain why “Sabrina” is more comfortable snuggling the dog (who is probably a member of B.A.R.C. (Brotherhood of Assorted Rebel Canines) and why she has trouble interacting with the cats.

There may still be hope yet.
I’ll ask Jesper Kitty and Gia Pitaria if they have any contacts in your town.
Stay strong!

YAY!!! I’m so glad to hear she’s back. I’m going to look into microchips for my kitties now. Losing a kitty would be awful!

That might also explain the 1.5 pound loss in weight! What happens if it is a Chihuahua in a Sabrina suit? What should I do?

Help me!

:: Runs frantically through the house ::

Keep a dog biscuit in one hand, a cat treat in the other and be prepared to warmly welcome whichever emerges the victor.

HA! The REAL Sabrina will fight for a kitty treat. She loves those darn things. :slight_smile:

Well, you can test her that way.
See if she’ll take the treat.
Watch out though; if she says gracias, you’ve got a Chihuahua.

I swear I must of taken a wrong turn at Peterborough and ended up in the Twilight Zone. How the heck did I miss the good news? :frowning:

Oh well…


I am glad to hear that, and I mean really, really, really glad. If I had enough energy I would do the happy dance[sup]TM[/SUP]…oh why not.

::does the happy dance[sup]TM[/SUP]::

Oh what happy good news! And good on you for doing everything right to get her back and taking such good care of her.