LotR - The Two Towers DVD

I just watched TTT on DVD. Great to have a LotR marathon, but it didn’t have much of a preview for Return of the King. Is there a good preview anywhere?


Huh? The Two Towers isn’t out on DVD until August 26. How did you watch it?

Also, according to the listing on Amazon, there’s a 10-minute featurette about Return of the King on the second DVD. That should be halfway-decent, I should think. But of course, I’ve not seen it yet. The only preview I’ve heard of showed up online for about 2 hours a few weeks ago, but the link was quickly taken down, and I missed it.

The 10 minute preview has a lot of behind the scenes stuff–showing sets and interviewing people etc. I don’t know how many minutes of actual preview there is.

Thats the best you are going to get, except maybe for the trailer (sometime in September). Unless the extended edition will have something.


New Line sends out their pre-release copies about a month early and are pretty generous with them (unlike Disney, getting on their freebie list is like pulling teeth). I’d guess StGermain is either “in the industry” or knows someone who is.

My husband supposedly has one on his desk someplace - but not having three hours to watch it, hasn’t bothered to bring it home.

I work for a video distributor and one of the sales reps passed on a freebie to me. Good thing, because I plan on buying the extended edition when it comes out and didn’t want to buy it twice.

The preview featurette was mostly behind the scenes stuff, with snips of scenes here & there. They’re saying that their new battle scenes makes Helms Deep look puny. :slight_smile:


I rented, and didn’t buy, the first.
I will rent, and not buy, the second.
I will wait and spend the ungodly amount of money it will cost to get the entire three film collection, most likely sometime in the winter of 2004.
My guess is it will wind up being a 12-20 DVD disc collection in the range of $120-$200 (on sale).

Color me jealous, StGermain. I, like most of my fellow grunts, have to wait until next week.

I’ll be taking advantage of the same deal I did last year, through Blockbuster. $30 prepaid for 7 movie rentals and a widescreen DVD of Two Towers to own. If I use all 7 rentals (which I probably will, and would have done anyway), I’ll basically get TTT for free. Works for me.

And, of course, I’ll be buying the Extended Edition in November.

Avalonian: that online preview that you missed after it was taken off line is the same as on the dvd, so you’ll see it eventually. People were billing it as a trailer, but it wasn’t.

Anybody know when the extended version is due out (assuming there actually is going to be one)?


godzillatemple - The DVD said it would be out in November. Hopefully they’ll have a pass for TTT in it, as they did with the last one.


New Line has already said many times that they won’t be releasing anything new or improved for the LOTR films other than the Extended Editions.

Ah, thanks. I don’t feel like buying both of them, so I’ll wait for the extended version.

Now, if only they’ll come out with The Matrix Reloaded before Thanksgiving so I can see it a few more times before seeing the next one…

They are. It’s coming out on October 14th.



At the risk of beating it to death, as everyone here seems already aware; you should NOT buy “The Two Towers” DVD to be released next week, but wait for the Extended Edition in the Fall. Unless you are just obsessed with owning every variation that is marketed.

Actually, you SHOULD buy the TTT DVD to be released next week, as it’ll be the only theatrical version of the movie out. And we need to have the option of watching the extended or the theatrical.

If you are dying to see the movie again (and the ROTK preview) you could always rent. Last year I got the theatrical version for (pretending to) test drive a Kia–I found no similar offers for TT. So I did the Blockbuster deal.

Some of us can’t wait till November…

Yes, NL is on record saying there will not be a “super-duper” edition. They may bundle the 3 extended versions together tho.



I’ll buy the theatrical release on vhs, then the extended on DVD. I don’t know why exactly, but that’s how I bought the first, and I like things to match (yes, it’s strange)

The photos floating around of Boromir are from a flashback on the TT extended edition, not from ROTK.

This here geek is renting the theatrical TT DVD, & have already purchased my extended TT through Amazon. It should be winging it’s way to me shortly before I go see ROTK the night it opens.

And yes, I do deal with reality. daily.

New Line is pretty smart to say this, otherwise they may lose sales now (ie, cash-in-hand) to a future sale. However, somewhere down the line they will start weighing the cost of pissing off some fans who bought individual DVDs against the approximately 7 bajillion dollars they will make by releasing a final, all-inclusive, more extras, etc version. Guess what will win.

At the very least, they will release a box-set so one can get all three EEs together.

That’s what I’ll wait for.