Lunch at the Zoo. Particularly MPSIMS

The Little Rock zoo opened a virtual restaurant to replace the twelve table greasy spoon.
Lunch today, 11:00 on a rainy Sunday. Mrs Plant and I were the only patrons. It’s usually very crowded. The elephants were hanging around just outside the window. A most pleasant way to wait for the young people who apparently didn’t know where the oven was to fix our lunch. :slight_smile:

Maybe the elephants were also waiting for lunch and the staff decided to serve them first?
It sounds nice. Our zoo has the best French fries, in the shape of dolphins.

Dolphin fries!!! I want those! Mmmmm…dolphin fries.

I’ve never been to the zoo here in Little Rock though I live within a stone’s throw. Well, maybe two stone’s throw but I ain’t far.


I’ve never been to the zoo here in Little Rock though I live within a stone’s throw. Well, maybe two stone’s throw but I ain’t far.


My 40th birthday pressie was going to the zoo to wash the elephant.


Go to the Brookfield Zoo near Chicago. Yum.

For you or the elephant? :smiley: