I suppose I’ll make as much a hash of this as I did on the 70’s lyric quiz, but I’m going in feeling very optimistic.
1 - damn, right out of the box I’m stumped. I know the song but not the name. Evan Tosdale or something like that?
2 - Someone from a Bob Dylan song. Johnny? I suck at this game.
3 - Mary
4 - Billie Jean
5 -
6 -
7 - Her Majesty
8 - Veronica
9 - Roland
10 - Lola
11 -
12 -
13 -
14 - Either your momma, or your daddy. Or someone else.
15 -
16 -
17 - Jerry Garcia?
18 -
19 - Damn. So familiar. Can’t come up with it.
20 -
21 -
22 -
23 -
24 -
25 -
26 - The chick with Bobby McGee.
27 -
28 -
29 - Jack (for his girlfriend Diane)
30 - You (Mean Mr. Mustard).
I know I know most of the ones I missed, but now I have a headache trying to think of them. Thanks, MMM.
I guess I made this harder than I intended. Still, as a group effort, not bad.
These are the only remaining unanswered ones:
(I can’t believe no one got # 16 yet)
5. Who is the demon I cling to?
12. Who’s been tops for awhile with a million dollar smile?
15. Who is tired ‘cause every man becomes a lovesick jerk?
16. Who is as distant as the Milky Way?
21. Who wasn’t old, but he was a man?
23. Who learned to race a stock car by running ‘shine outta Alabam?