Lyrics that make you smile every time

“Every single meeting with his so-called superior is a humiliating kick in the crotch”
–“Synchronicity II,” The Police

“Let me see them Hanes, let me let me see them Hanes”
–“Blow,” Kesha

“AMSTERDAM”, from the latest Crowded House album:
“You and me got the whole day off,
Took a trip to Vincent Van Gogh…”*

Neil Finn throws in that dutch/yiddish “gh”, and voila, it rhymes*!*

“Little darling, it’s been a long and lonely winter”–Here Comes The Sun
“Begin the day with a friendly voice, a companion unobtrusive”–Spirit of Radio

From They Might Be Giants, “Birdhouse in Your Soul”:

When the blue bird night light says:

“There’s a picture opposite me, of my primitive ancestry
Which stood on rocky shores and kept the beaches shipwreck free
Though I respect that a lot, I’d be fired if that were my job
After killing Jason off and countless screaming Argonauts”!

Contrary to popular opinion Van Gogh is not (and has never been) pronanounced with an ‘f’ sound at the end. It’s pronounced with a hard g similar to the last letter in the scottish loch.

I believe there is a youtube video of QI on this subject out there.

“Now that your picture’s in the paper being rhythmically admired”

The very first line of the first song from the first album by Elvis Costello.

Welcome to the Working Week


"You can see all the stars as you walk down Hollywood Boulevard,
Some that you recognise, some that you’ve hardly even heard of,
People who worked and suffered and struggled for fame,
Some who succeeded and some who suffered in vain.
Rudolph Valentino, looks very much alive,
And he looks up ladies’ dresses as they sadly pass him by.
Avoid stepping on Bela Lugosi
'Cos he’s liable to turn and bite,
But stand close by Bette Davis
Because hers was such a lonely life. "

Celluloid Heroes” - The Kinks

All aboard… Brenda’s iron sledge

All aboard… Brenda’s iron sledge

Please don’t call me Reg

It’s not my name

Brenda’s Iron Sledge, Robyn Hitchcock. Skip in 25 seconds in to avoid Mark whatshisface’s massive spoiler.

You forgot an adjective: “Little darling, it’s been a long, cold, lonely winter.”

I usually smile at, “And I’d give up forever to touch you.” (“Iris”, GooGoo Dolls) because it’s such a great opening line.

I also usually smile to, “Ollie, ollie, ollie, ollie, ollie, ollie, ollie in come freeeeeee!” from REM’s “Drive” because it’s such an absurd lyric. Yet it’s delivered in such a way that makes it a perfect choice. It’s the only unrestrained part of the deliberately restrained song, making it the emotional climax of the song.

And the entire “Jailhouse Rock” song is cute. From Little Joe on the slide trombone to the dude who’s weeping because he doesn’t have a partner and being told, “…if you can’t find a partner, use a wooden chair.”

“Joan was quizzical, studied pataphysical
Science in the home
Late nights all alone with a test tube
Oh oh oh ohhh” - Maxwell’s Silver Hammer, The Beatles

The end of Tom Lehrer’s “Oedipus Rex”:

He gets points for, having written an entire song with lines rhyming with “Rex”, then finding a rhyme for “Oedipus”

“Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.”

Lots of lyrics make me smile. This morning it was:

I got a freaky old lady name of Cocaine Katy
Who embroideries on my jeans
(Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show, Cover of the Rolling Stone)

The whole song’s nice, of course. Love you, Shel!

I called up my preacher and said “Give me strength for round five”
He said “You don’t need no strength, you need to grow up, son”
I said “Growing up leads to growing older, then to dying
Ooh, and dying to me don’t sound like all that much fun”

  • John (Cougar) Mellencamp, “Authority Song”

Big bottom, big bottom
Talk about bum cakes, my girl’s got 'em
Big bottom drive me out of my mind
How could I leave this behind?

27 years later, it still cracks me up.

You wouldn’t find that so funny if you were workin’ on a sex farm, tdn. :wink:

Awesome song! From start to finish it makes me smile!

Bob Dylan’s “Positively 4th Street:”

“I wish that for just one time you could stand in side my shoes, and just for that one moment I could be you. Yes, I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes. You’d know what a Drag it is to See You!!!”

You cannot find your waitress
With a geiger counter
And she hates you and your friends and you
Just can’t get served without her

Tom Waits, “The Piano Has Been Drinking”
What’s so great about the Barrier Reef?
What’s so fine about art?

Old 97’s, “Barrier Reef”

“The sky is blue and all the leaves are green
My heart’s as big as a baked potato!”

Cannibal: the Musical