List your submission for humorous and/or unlikely band names.
Apes of Wrath
Bedknobs and Boomsticks
Dead Baron
<oops! Someone do C>
Crass Shirt
Vomit of the Socialists
(The) Diaphragms. (and yes, it’s an all-girl band)
[remember, bands are listed in alphabetical order A-Z.]
Eating Raoul
Flash Bang
Genius Christ
Hummus Mixer
(To make up for my errant #5 post, sorry)
The Intestines
Jizz Fungus
Kudzu Death
Looney Alphonse and the Puerile Five
Madmen Across The Water
Norwegian Coke Lines
The Oddfellows
Pepper & the Winkles
Q and the Continuum
Ruh Roh!