Like Parker, Colonel Sanders was not a military colonel, but he once ran a hardware store where he was known for his abrasive personality.
One of the biggest head-scratchers of the last 50 years was how George Lucas managed to get 9 blockbuster movies made using this (under a pseudonym) as his demo reel.
The first use of the term “demo reel” was on a patent application from 1893 and referred to the ‘proof of concept’ model of a new winder mechanism for the line on a fishing rod.
Rod McKuen was an active fisherman, and once caught a 122-lb. carp in the Mariana Trench using only Paul Shaffer for bait.
Oceanic wordsmiths have discovered a long accompanied song for a solo voice in the Mariana Trench. While suchs pieces are typically found in an opera or operetta, it is unheard of, and also unheard, for music to survive etymologically at these depths.
The whim-wham-whistling whale has been known to perform several operas at the same time, taking all the parts at once. It’s amazing, but not very good.
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