Main Forum page problem

The main page to the forum ( is messed up. You get the following message:

Fortunately, I thought to check the main page (, and it worked. So I clicked the Forums link. Turns out, it goes to Straight Dope Message Board - Your direct line to thousands of the smartest, hippest people on the planet, plus a few total dipsticks., which also still works.

I just don’t want anyone to think this place is actually down. I noticed one poster thinking it was on another board.

Seems to be working OK for me at this point.

I first saw that around midnight last night before I went to bed…so I freaked out when it was still “temporarily down” this morning.

But, yeah, things seem back to normal now…

Okay. I did a hard refresh and it fixed it. I must’ve been loading the page from the cache from when it really was down.