Make a band edible

Bon Bon Jovi

ZZ Top Sirloin

The Rolling Scones

Boston Creme donut
Ladyfingers Gaga
The Meatles

Moderately Hot Chili Peppers, in a fresh garden salsa.
Chicago style hot dog
Tater Swift

Boston Baked Beans.
The Turtles Soup
The Holliesdaise

There’s already a thread for this in thread games (where it belongs !)

Chumbawambaba ganoush

The Beetles.
Three Dog Chili.

Korn + Bread = Kornbread

Cream + Snoop Doggy Dogg = Cream of Weed

The Goo Goo Cluster Dolls

The Grateful Bread.

The Byrdseye Chilies

Broccoli Spears
Christina Arugula

Tofu Fighters

I searched quite a few different terms - nothing came up.

The Deep Fried Dixie Chicks
M&M’s (now w/attitude)
Tina Turnovers
John Denver Omelette
Bad Ladyfinger
Beers for Fears

Elvis Parsley
John Cheese performing “The Ministry Of Silly Woks”

Ah, jokes from my childhood…

What’s tall, green and sing?

LL Cool Ranch

They Might Be Jolly Green Giants?
