I know I already bid “farewell,” but I have something to add. Awhile ago, there was a thread called “Most mysoginist song,” and “He Hits Me (But it Feels Like a Kiss)” by the 1960s girl group The Crystals was mentioned. I just heard this song, and found out it was written by Carole King, so it probably wasn’t meant to be pro-spousal abuse (but I don’t know about the intentions of the girls singing it). Just thought you should know, in case that song won song kind of award for being so anti-woman. Carry on.
By the way, is anyone here familiar with the slang word “wonk” or “wonky”? What does it mean? Is it good or bad? Can I have an example?
I don’t know how widespread it is, but when I was at Harvard “wonk” meant something similar to nerd–someone who studied too much and had no social life.
Sorry, this is the first thread I opened this afternoon. Whaddya mean you said goodbye? Now I have to check to see if it’s temporary or forever. Make sure it’s temporary because I like you.
No, there were a couple pro-abuse songs in the’60s. Pretty sick and I’m surprised hippy-dippy Carole would have written one of them.
I always thought “wonk” was a compliment. It is a form of nerd, with a concentration in one field. Wonks save the rest of us the trouble of knowing stuff. Al Gore has been called a policy wonk because he shows an annoying degree of interest in the specifics of policy.
“Wonky” (in the south) means slightly screwed up, or crooked, like a painting. I think. Never heard just “wonk”.
Maybe WonkoTheSane knows…
I remember planning it to be quasi-permanent, but now that my computer is up and running, I’ve been checking back here twice a week or so for a couple of minutes. Not as hard-core as I used to be, but still enough to kinda know what’s up. I just finished a massive paper for my intro to humanties class, and rewarded myself by playing online for awhile.
I first heard the word “wonk” when I was working for the state PIRG (Public Interest Research Group, just in case anyone was wondering) and it was used to refer to a bad politician…
Re. “wonk” or “wonky” - in the U.K. anyway, “wonky” means (or used to, 'cos it is a long time since I heard it said) something that is not quite right, or is malfunctioning in some way. But that may not be the meaning in the song, for all I know.
I have heard the term ‘policy wonk’ as an insult. Basically used to desribe an anal person, completely commited to the beurocratic rules, and unable be flexible. It was much more popular about 8 years ago.
Hey, I was secretary of The Brooklyn College chapter of NYPIRG back in 19. . . well some years ago.
I’m sane, but clueless…